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LEM144 DXpedition Log

December 2-10, 2000

 kHz: day.month. time UTC: station, comments:
567 4.12. 0620 RAI Sardegna, Sassari. Thanks to Dario Monferini for confirming the identity of this station!
657 7.12. 0620 RAI Toscana, Firenze (Florence)
738 7.12. 0830 RFI Paris. There is no LW/MW/SW parallel for this one.
846 5,8.12. 0100,1158 R Yunost, UNID QTH. This Yunost transmitter could be in Perm, but might be located in Siberia as well. Does anyone know if the same tx still has private broadcasting as well?
981 3.12. 0608 UNID French-speaking newstalk station. Not Algeria, because it was heard at the same time. And not Ciel AM, because they didn't have even test transmissions at this time.
1062 7.12. 1510 GTRK Mordoviya, Saransk
1278 4.12. 1702 ERA Florina. Local px until 1800, although other ERA1 stations didn't have a local break, and even Florina only this one day. The station website is flashy, but slow and difficult to navigate. Here's the animated logo they sent with the eQSL.
1395 4.12. 0010 GTRK Orenburg, Buguruslan. The city is not located in Asia, as listed in the WRTH.
1485 4.12. 1850,2025 R Berovo, Berovo, Macedonia. Played local music and did not react to full hours, but luckily gave a clear ID at these times!
1494 7.12. 0604 R France Corse Frequenza Mora, Bastia. Audible, but weaker, also on 1404. For once the stations carrying national px on both frequencies were weaker than this rare regional newscast.
1575 9.12. 0629 RAI Puglia, Foggia. According to RAI, Foggia is the QTH on this frequency. Thanks to Dario Monferini for digging up this one! new
1575 9.12. 0628 RAI Umbria, RAI Liguria and RAI Basilicata were also all heard giving an ID at various times during the last minute of the regional break.
1584 2.12. 1352 Country R, Brno
1584 4.12. 0400 R Brezice, Brezice, begins local programming at this time, before that the overnight program of R Slovenia. I wish they would start verifying as well...
1584 4.12. 1858 Radiophonikos Stathmos Amaliadas, Amalias. Besides normal
identifications in Greek used also "R-S-A" in English!
1584 7.12. 1534 R Pancevo, Pancevo. Thanks to Ivan Beretic for solving this one!
1584 8.12. 1323 R Popular, Iasi. The only RP station with a local ID here, although I spent over 10 hours on the frequency during several days.
1584 9.12. 0629 RAI Umbria, Terni, also here! new
1604.9v 3,4.12. 1456,1445 R Sud-Est, Slobozia, Romania. Many thanks to Bogdan Chiochiu for solving this one! The nominal frequency is 1602 kHz, but the actual frequency varies wildly. By the end of the DXpedition the station was found below 1600 kHz. This station was first found by Jim on Dec. 3rd, and was a total surprise, because it is not listed anywhere. Has been broadcasting since Sept. 13th 2000, 24 hours a day. Verified by email soon after Christmas, v/s Sorin Dragomir, Executive Director. new
 kHz: day.month. time UTC: station, comments:
576 5.12. 0657 R Renascença, Braga
594 5.12. 0639 R Renascença, Muge
603 7.12. 0625 RNE5 Andalucia, Sevilla, regional at this time
612 8.12. 0648 RNE1 Pais Vasco, Vitoria
801 6.12. 0645 RNE1 Castilla y León, Burgos/Zamora, was the dominant. RNE1 Galicia, Lugo, was also audible - the two most common ones.
855 8.12. 0647 RNE1 Galicia, Pontevedra, came on top of the dominant Cantabria for a short time
900 6.12. 0655 COPE Galicia, Vigo
963 4.12. 0638 R Renascença, Seixal
990 4.12. 1623 R Bilbao. This is of course the dominant here, but is mentioned because they (and other SER stations) had a local break on Sunday at this time. 
1080 3.12. 2227 R Granada, Granada
1080 7.12. 0620 Onda Cero R, Toledo
1143 5.12. 0627 COPE Orense, with Galicia regional news
1143 6.12. 0654 COPE Oviedo, loud and clear, but no sign of the other COPE stations
1224 5.12. 0554 Herri Irratia, San Sebastian
1251 5.12. 0648 R Renascença, Chaves/Porto/Castelo Branco/Viseu
1287 6.12. 0008 R Lugo was the dominant here. This is the last local break of the night on SER stations.
1305 5.12. 1951 RNE5 Castilla La Mancha, Ciudad Real
1584 7.12. 0957 R Zamora, Zamora. Must be logged because of the unusual time - perfect reception quality at midday!
 kHz: day.month. time UTC: station, comments:
531 4.12. 0300 RTA Ain-El-Beida
576 4.12. 0645 RNE1 Canarias, Las Palmas
621 4.12. 0645 RNE1 Canarias, Santa Cruz de Tenerife
630 6.12. 2355 ERTT Tunis
711.05 5.12. 0629 RTM Laayoune finally with an ID, also noted // 207. This is a very tough catch in Finland - unlike on the other side of the Atlantic.
720 4.12. 0657 RNE5 Canarias, Santa Cruz de Tenerife
747 4.12. 0656 RNE5 Canarias, Las Palmas
774 4.12. 1822 ERTU Abis. Middle East commercial programme with many commercials. 
909 7.12. 2210 VOA Botswana, very strong many nights, no trace of BBC with the right antenna
1008 6.12. 2336 R Las Palmas
1026 7.12. 2200 Emissora Provincial do Manica, Manica. ID as "Emissora Provincial do Manica" exactly on the hour. Then the national anthem and sign off.
1071 4.12. 1920 ERTU Cairo, local program
1107 4.12. 1630 ERTU Batra with Wadi El Nile programming
1179 4.12. 0657 R Club Tenerife, Santa Cruz
1269 4.12. 0657 R ECCA, Las Palmas, had just begun its broadcast day
3215 7.12. *0230- AWR Talata. Multilingual IDs, but px in Malagasy.
 kHz: day.month. time UTC: station, comments:
162 7.12. 0015 TRT Agri
558 5.12. 1817 DZXL Metro Manila. Identifies as "558 RMN News Manila". Occasionally as strong as the 50-kilowatt YLE transmitter in Helsinki. I listened to the station for over an hour and got roughly 25 station identifications! (Mika)
558 9.12. 1400 JOCR Kobe. Nice "AM Kobe" ID on the top of the hour.
558 9.12. 1400 HLQH Taegu, but instead of the local ID they gave the ID of "KBS Che-i radio imnida HLSA".
585 9.12. 1200 Voice of Russia, Belogorsk, foreign service in Chinese. Identifies like this: "Mosike, Eluosi zhi Sheng Guangbo Diantai" (literally 'Voice of Russia Radio Station, Moscow'). Many thanks to Alan Davies for confirming this! So, news claiming that this station would be off the air are outdated. Permskoye oblastnoye Radio (local px heard at 1300) was the main source of QRM here normally.
594 4.12. 0040 ORTAS, UNID QTH. The more common Syrians on 666, 747 and 783 were naturally also audible.
603 3.12. 1230 Hulun Buir PBS, Hailar. Taiwan of course was the dominant Chinese here, but fortunately not always too strong. new
603 5.12. 1630 AIR Ajmer. Jaipur-program (they never have local px).
621 5.12. 1903 Taiwan Broadcasting Company, Dah-Shi. With the program "Taiwan People, Taiwan Situation, Taiwan Heart", with DJ Chaur-Jiang Wu. new
648 5.12. 1820 AFN Okinawa most of the time with network AFRS programming, but luckily also a local break with an ID as "Surf 648". This hasn't been FEN for several years, although still mentioned by that name in some logs.
666 9.12. 1244 DZRH Navotas
702 4.12. 1946 IRIB Busher. Not local at this time.
720 5.12. 1910 BCC Taichung
729 3.12. 1330 R Thailand, Nakhon Ratchasima. Not local.
738 3.12. 1300 Xinjiang PBS
738 5.12. 1920 Taiwan Area Fishery Broadcasting Station, Penghu. The same location as their TX on 1143.
738 9.12. 1248 DZFM Manila. Belongs to the Philippines Broadcasting Service and
mentioned also their overseas broadcasts in the identification.
756 4.12. 1600 PBC Quetta. Not local at this time, just observed while hunting for AIR Jagdalpur, which was audible, but no local ID for that one either, so not worth sending a report.
774 9.12. 1259 HLAJ Cheju, with the ID: "Unje (whenever) udisuna (wherever) yurubangoa hamgehanun (for you) Chejumunhwapangsong (Cheju MBC) imnida - HLAJ".
774 9.12. 1258 DWWW Manila. Superstrong signal!
783 5.12. 1826 RTV Hong Kong, Golden Hill. You may have trouble finding Hong Kong on the dial, but you can always listen to them live on the net, for example here.
783 9.12. 1431 Hebei PBS, Baoding
801 10.12. 0000 R Bahrain, Manama
810 4.12. 0212,1659 R UAE, Maqtaa, overnight Holy Koran programming during Ramadan
837 3.12. 1230 HLKY Seoul
837 3.12. 1328 Sathaani Withayu 909 (Kao Sum Kao), Sakon Nakhon
837 4.12. 1400 R Thailand, Bangkok. Programme in Thai ended and BBC World Service in English started.
837 4.12. 1430 IRIB Esfafan, local program "Injo Esfahana ..."
837 8.12. 1408 R Liban, Amchit
846 3.12. 1330 R Thailand, Phetchabun. Not local.
846 5.12. 0020,1740 AIR Ahmedabad. At 1740 local ID after Delhi news and then sign-off. This and all other AIR stations in the log have been caught with a local ID unless otherwise stated.
846 5.12. 0023 IBA Safad. Heard when RAI was off for this one night.
846 5.12. 0031 IRIB, UNID QTH. National 1st network. Does anyone know the site? Another catch thanks to RAI silence.
855.08 9.12. 1243 DZGE Naga City. Many local commercials, which are not too often heard from Philippine stations. new
864 2.12. 1300 Anhui EBS, Hefei. Later, at 1359, the station gave only an ID for Anhui PBS.
881.96 8.12. 1129 Fujian PBS, Fuzhou. Thanks to Alan Davies for confirming this!
900 4.12. 1400 Henan Traffic BS, Zhengzhou. Again thanks to Alan for this one! new
900 9.12. 1300 Hunan PBS, Changsha. The WRTH lists Hunan EBS here, but the ID was for PBS, probably EBS with PBS programming. A nice catch, because usually Taiwan prevents any mainland signals from coming through. new
909 9.12. 1404 CNR Taiwan 2, TX somewhere in Fujian new
927 9.12. 1059 NHK-1 Wakkanai. Weather info for Hokkaido. Thanks to Hideki Watanabe for listening to this one!
936 9.12. 1235 Anhui PBS dominated here most days
945 6.12. 1603 Tor Or (Thahaan Akart), Minburi-Bangkok. Still unlisted in the WRTH, although I advised WRTH about this almost a year ago.
963 9.12. 1012 JOTG Aomori. During a regional break on NHK1, strong QRM by our very own YLE Pori (Finland).
972 5.12. 1645 Tajik R, Orzu. A 15-minute English-language px at this time.
981 4.12. 1546 AIR Raipur
999 5.12. 1546 AIR Coimbatore
1026 6.12. -1602* R Thailand, Phitsanulok
1026 8.12. 0130 IRIB Tabriz. Tabriz local program with ID "Tabriz Radyosu".
1071 4.12. 1430 Syghys GTRK, Öskemen/Ust-Kamenogorsk. The only local Kazakh station heard (and on the air?)
1071 6,7.12. 1600,1500 Tianjin PBS, Tianjin
1080 9.12. 1218 Daqing PBS, Daqing HL new
1116 2,3.12. 1458,1321 Thor Por Saam, Phitsanulok. "Sathani Withayu Kongthap Pak Thii Saam". new
1116 5.12. 1729 CNR Taiwan 1, TX somewhere in Fujian new
1143 4.12. 1559 AIR Rohtak
1152 7.12. 1301 IRIB Tabriz, 1st national px
1152 8,9.12. 1059,1304 Hunan PBS, Hengyang, satellite channel. CNR-ID at 1057, presumably switched to local right after that (local ID at 1101).
1161 4.12. 1500 IRIB Abadan, local program "Radio Abadan"
1179 5.12. 1248 UNID station in Farsi. There shouldn't be any IRIB stations on the fq. No ID on the top of the hour nor at 1330 (just recitation), which would be the top of the hour in Iran. Does anyone know what this new(?) station is?
1233 5.12. -1805* Tor Or (Thahaan Akart), Don Muang, Bangkok
1242 2.12. 1740 AIR Varanasi
1260 4.12. -1615* PBC Rawalpindi. This unlisted (in the WRTH) transmitter was a total surprise, heard while chasing AIR Ambikapur. Identified only as Radio Pakistan, no local ID, location based on PBC website information. new
1269 5.12. 1430 AIR Madurai
1323 8.12. 0150 IRIB Jolfa. Tabriz local program (as on 1026 kHz) with ID "Tabriz Radyosu".
1332 5.12. -1301* Gannan PBS, Hezuo
1368 2.12. 1600 TNBS Nan
1368 9.12. 1013 JOJG Yamagata via Tsuruoka. Local weather report to Yamagata prefecture.
1386 5.12. 1800 R Russkiy Shanson, Irkutsk. This transmitter is operated by the Angarsk-based Avtos company and carries R Shanson and Russkoye R. R Shanson studios have relocated from St. Petersburg to Moscow (snail address unknown), but the station is still relayed in St. Petersburg on FM 104.4. To complicate the issue, there is another station in SP called "Radio Petrograd Russkiy Shanson" on FM 100.9. Many thanks to Feodor Brazhnikov, Mikhail Timofeyev, Bernd Trutenau, Dave Kernick and Bo-Kristian Lindqvist for info and comments on the station!
1395 4,6.12.
AIR Bikaner
1395 9.12. 1603 Nei Menggu PBS in Chinese
1404 7.12. 1200 Hubei PBS. There was a strong echo, so Jingzhou can't be the only Hubei QTH on this fq, as the station told me last year. 
1467.05 3.12. 1530 IRIB Qom, with a local ID at this time
1475 6.12. 1127 RTM Kota Kinabalu
1494.92 2.12. 1417 Xinjiang PBS
1503 4.12. 1916 ERTU El Arish
1503 7.12. 1135 DYBB Roxas City
1530 7.12. 1132 DZME Manila, is tough to get verified. A list of Manila radio stations with contact information can be found here.
1548 7.12. 1217 DZSD Dagupan City
1583.85 6.12. 1309 Changzhi PBS, Changzhi
1584 5.12. 1459 TENT. AIR Indore. No ID, just Vividh Bharati programming, but Indore is the only possibility. Thanks to Jose Jacob for listening to this one! new
1584 9.12. 1012 JOJG Yamagata via Atsumi/Oguni. Local weather report to Yamagata prefecture. new
1584 9.12. 1055 JO.. NHK1 Sendai. Mentioned Sendai at the beginning of the regional break and then Aomori many times. Could it be even a local break?
1602 5.12. 1345 AIR Pauri gave many neat local station identifications. new
1602 5.12. 1431 AIR Sholapur. Thanks to Jose Jacob for this one. new
1602 9.12. 1319 JOZB Matsuyama (1512) via Uwajima, one of the very few NHK2 stations identified
2960.01 8.12. 1140 RPDT2 Manggarai, Ruteng
3325 3,5.12. 1158,1100 RRI Palangkaraya
3960 5.12. 1225 RRI Palu
4940 6.12. -0930* R Miks-Master, Yakutsk, signed off without any announcement. Frequent commercial spots and sponsor announcements however make reporting easy. The local temperature by the way was -40.
6060 5.12. 0910 Amurskoye R, Blagoveschensk. Started a local program.
9820.04 6.12. 1100 Guangxi Foreign Broadcasting Station, Nanning. Vietnamese programming, but ID also in Chinese on the hour.
11590.03 6.12. *0855- China Huayi Broadcast Corporation runs a bilingual Chinese-English ID loop before starting the px at 0900
 kHz: day.month. time UTC: station, comments:
1611 6.12. 1258 6AY Albany WA. Two commercial spots for Albany businesses just before the hour - not much, but enough. Incidentally, Warren Mead, Mgr, CE & announcer of the station, is a ham operator and DXer! Before this, New Zealand was the most distant point where his 400-watt station had been heard. Mead says that 6GS has a much better ground conductivity, so no wonder it came stronger. A word of warning to those who hunt for 1611 stations: 6AY is not the only "Lifestyle Radio" here, on Nov. 1st 2000 another station of the same network went on the air in Margaret River WA, and more will follow early in 2001. Then there are two NSW stations on this fq as well. new
1611 6.12. 1300 6GS Wagin WA with horse racing. Horses like "Navajo Beauty", "Has no limits", "Shaw Aint Silly", "Symbolic Charm", "Double Highway", "Orange Juice", "New York Special" and "The Gold Maid" were racing - where do they get those names anyway... There was no ID, so it took some investigative work to find out the identity of this station. I even joined Ausrace mailing list to find out something about the race I picked up. Eventually I contacted 6GS by phone, and they immediately recognized it as their racing show. (Mika)
1629 6.12. 1200 4RF R Italia, Brisbane. Many thanks to Dario Monferini for digging up the station identifications from my recordings on this one!  new
3355 3.12. 0924 R Simbu, Kundiawa
3365 6.12. 0831 R Milne Bay, Alotau, quite early this day
3385 6.12. 0830 R East New Britain, Rabaul
3987.15 6.12. 1035 RRI Manokwari
 North America
 kHz: day.month. time UTC: station, comments:
950 5.12. 0755 WWJ Detroit MI
950 7.12. 0739 WNTD Chicago IL, "R Unica 950" in Spanish
1220 5.12. 0732 CFVM Amqui PQ
1240 9.12. 1418 KCVL Colville WA. A bunch of local spots. Thanks to Bruce Portzer for checking this one!
1240 10.12. 0806 KIUL Garden City KS
1240 10.12. 0806 KFOR Lincoln NE. "From KFOR's 24-hour newsroom, listen for dependable weather".
1250 5.12. 0859 WEAE Pittsburgh PA
1280 5.12. 0705 WHTK Rochester NY
1370 10.12. 0842 KSUM Fairmont MN
1400 3.12. 0759 KKTL Casper WY
1400 4,10.12. 0737,0811 KBRB Ainsworth NE
1400 10.12. 0906 KART Jerome ID is the dominant here
1410 10.12. 0900 KOOQ North Platte NE
1490 9.12. 0944 WDBQ Dubuque IA. This was a tough one to identify, but was eventually solved thanks to fellow DXers!
1490 10.12. 0843 WOSH Oshkosh WI, "Newstalk Radio 1490 WOSH"
1490 10.12. 0900 WBYM Hampton VA
1580 4.12. 0823 KCHA Charles City IA. An increase in night-time power? NRC Domestic Log lists only 10 watts.
1590 10.12. 0500 WSMN Nashua NH
1620 4.12. 0800 KAZP Bellevue NE
1620 7.12. 0705 WTAW College Station TX
1650 10.12. 0826 KBJD Denver CO "The Beat"
1660 4.12. 0722 WQSN Kalamazoo MI
1660 8.12. 0606 WMIB Marco Island FL, rel. 1480 WODX
1680 4.12. 0807 WJNZ Ada MI
 Central America & Caribbean
 kHz: day.month. time UTC: station, comments:
1290 9.12. 0209 XEDA México DF. A nice call letter ID plus a jingle before music.
1480 6.12. 0236 WMDD Fajardo PR. This and WLUZ 1600 were the only PR stations heard.
1570 6.12. 0219 R Amanecer, Santo Domingo
 South America
 kHz: day.month. time UTC: station, comments:
730 6.12. 0400 Cadena Melodía, Bogotá. Read more about Radio Melodia in Takayuki Inoue Nozaki's article.
760 6.12. 0414 RCN Barranquilla. No local ID.
760 9.12. 0200 R Cooperativa, Santiago
770 7.12. 0720 R Atalaia de Sergipe, Aracaju SE. No ID, but a local spot.
780 8.12. 0540 R Primero de Marzo, Asunción
840 8.12. 0730 R Salta, Salta. Used mostly simple "AM 840" identifications.
840 10.12. 0705 R Bandeirantes, São Paulo SP
910 9.12. 0020 La Red 910, Buenos Aires
950 8.12. 0516 R Atalaia, Belo Horizonte MG
970 6.12. 0351 R Super, Bogotá. Thanks to Henrik Klemetz for clearing this ID!
980 6.12. 0439 RCN Cali. Not local.
1000 6.12. 0323 RCN Cartagena. Not local. Thanks to JEÖ and HK for checking this.
1010 9.12. 0256 R AM O Povo, Fortaleza CE. Again back to this name? The prefix ID was "ZYH625 Radio AM O (or Do) Povo"
1010 9.12. 0303 R Bahia, Salvador BA
1020 6,10.12. 0337,0535 R Calendario, Maracaibo
1020.0 9.12. 0056 R Universidad, Santa Fé
1020.08 9.12. 0038 R Nandutí, Asunción
1040 3.12. 0135 R Capital, São Paulo SP
1110 9.12. 0400 R Ciudad, Buenos Aires
1130 9.12. 0051 R Nacional, Montevideo
1150 6.12. 0130 R Brigadier López, Santa Fé
1190 7.12. 0727 R Juazeiro, Juazeiro BA. Thanks to Rocco Cotroneo for this one!
1250 10.12. 0628 R Metropolitana, Vespasiano MG
1250 10.12. 0633 La Radio AM 1250, Morón
1330 3.12. 0000 R Tupi, Osasco SP. Gave the prefix ZYK736 - which is the one used previously by R Iguatemi, Osasco SP, so this must be the same station. The WRTH has incorrectly deleted this station, and has instead listed R Tupi, São Paulo SP with the prefix ZYK656.
1330 9.12. 0223 R Fenix, Montevideo
1410 4,10.12. 0459,0400 R Fraternidade Universal, Santo Antônio do Descoberto GO. The station was heard only with LBV programming, no local announcements even on the hour. According to the LBV website and a reply received from LBV, this is the only station on the frequency with LBV programming, so I guess it must be this one, although it is surprising that this station dominated the frequency with no sign of R América.
1420 6,9.12. 0307,0212 R Marabina, Maracaibo. On Dec. 9th this was heard with a dual ID, Marabina 1420 & R Sensación (830 Caracas). Thanks to Henrik Klemetz for IDing this one!
1430 10.12. 0700 R Clube Paranaense, Curitiba PR
1470 10.12. 0305 R Gazeta, São José SC
1480 6.12. 0102 R Alvorada, Guanambi BA
1480 9.12. 0537 R São Roque, Faxinal do Soturno RS new
1540 8.12. 0503 Nova Difusora AM, Osasco SP
1570.05 9.12. -0458* R Familia del Maule, Talca, gave comprehensive information about the station before sign-off.
1580 9.12. 0433 tent. Manzanares 1580, Cumaná. Relaying RQ-910 Caracas.
1590 10.12. 0248,0429 R Real, Colonia
1600 8.12. 2356 R Nove de Julho, São Paulo SP
1640.04 9.12. 0257 R Boanerges (meaning the Sons of Thunder), Posadas, Misiones. A new Argentine station never before detected by DXers, not even in Argentina. Simulcasts on FM 94.5. new
1650 9.12. 0540 AM Restauración, Hurlingham BA new
1670 9.12. 0307 BBC via Radiomanía, Buenos Aires
4388.95 7.12. 0910 R Imperio, Chiclayo new
4900v 7.12. 0920 R La Oroya, La Oroya. Drifted from 4902.5 to 4900.5 kHz in 15
4915 3,5.12. 0851,0837 R Difusora, Macapá AP
4955 3,6.12. 1000 R Cultural Amauta, Huanta. On some mornings relaying US-produced Christian programming: "Somos la Red de Radiodifusión Biblica".
4975 6.12. 0257 R Mundial, São Paulo SP
4990.95 3.12. 0320 R Apintie, Paramaribo
Last update 9.2.2002 - Any info on the UNIDs is most appreciated


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