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AIH76 DXpedition Log (INCOMPLETE)
October 21-November 4, 2017

 Europe (excluding Iberia)
 kHz: day.month. time UTC: station, comments:
1476 23.10. 0449 Free Radio AM, Trieste
 kHz: day.month. time UTC: station, comments:

Note: As with all continents, only rarities are listed. Another 100+ Spanish stations would have been available as well. Iberia (Spain, Portugal, Azores, Gibraltar & Andorra) counting as a separate continent is a Finnish DXers' quirk, underscoring Iberia's traditionally strong status in Nordic DXing and the distinctive character of its broadcasting scene.

 kHz: day.month. time UTC: station, comments:
 kHz: day.month. time UTC: station, comments:
585 1.11. 1300 + Jingzhou PBS, Jingzhou HB
801.0013 24.10. 1303 RRI Semarang rose on top of the pile out of nowhere
927 21.10. 1258 DZLG Legazpi City, another Bombo Radyo station
945 24.10. 1300 Alashan PBS, Alashan NM, in Mongolian
1044 21.10. 1300 DZNG Naga, "Bombo Radyo Naga"
1053 24.10. 1200 Jiangsu PBS (Literary Service, Wenyi Guangbo), Nanjing JS
1061.9917 24.10. 1303 Radio Sangkakala, Surabaya
1071 24.10. 1200 Tien Sheng BS, Tainan. I've heard this one before, but never this strong. Not a trace of Tianjin.
1107 21.10. 1257 DYIN Kalibo. "Bombo Radyo Kalibo" was airing the program "Zona Libre". The station responded immediately and made a news article about my reception.
1161 21.10. -1504 DYRD Tagbilaran City gave a superb closing ID detailing its ownership, license, location and key personnel.
1170 2.11. 1100 Nei Menggu PBS, UNID QTH, in Mongolian
1241.9880 24.10. 1302 + RRI Bogor during a really good but short opening to Java.
1376.9976 24.10. 1305 Qingdao PBS, Qingdao SD
1376.9996 24.10. 1259 RRI Tolitoli
1377 24.10. 1600 JOTZ NHK2 Aomori // 1467, 1521
1440 24.10. 1306 Thor Phor Sohng, Nakhon Phanom Province. Identifies as "Sathani Withayu Krachaisiang Kohng Thap Phaak Thii Sohng ...". The modulation was so poor that only AM modulation produced an understandable signal. Presumed offset 1439.9950v kHz.
 Australia & Oceania
 kHz: day.month. time UTC: station, comments:
540.0051 31.10. -1003 2AP Samoa National Radio, Apia, closing down after the song "Ua Mativa Lo'u Alofa". Today was the only day during this two-week period that Samoa was heard. This is a very tough catch nowadays, because transmitter power is down to 0.5 kW from the nominal 5 kW.
590 23.10. 1121 KSSK Honolulu HI
621.0000 24.10.
+ Radio Tuvalu, Funafuti, was one of the most fascinating stations of this DXpedition
819.0000 24.10. 1300 2GL ABC New England North West, Glen Innes NSW
880.0013 23.10. 1259 KHCM Honolulu HI. Korean programming with a simple top-of-the-hour ID "KHCM Honolulu"
917.9946 27.10. 1243 Radio New Zealand, New Plymouth/Timaru, either transmitter on this offset, playing "Blue Smoke", a traditional Maori folk song, presented by Pixie Williams. You can listen to this fabulous recording on Youtube. RNZ was heard at the same time also on 756 and 837 kHz.
989.9974 30.10. 1202 Apna, Auckland, "Number one Hindi radio station"
936 30.10. 1204 + Chinese Voice Radio, Auckland. Thanks to Wei Wei and his DX friends for checking this recording!
989.9999 22.10.
+ Fiji BC "Gold FM", Suva, with a classic hits format ("only great classic hits, blues, jazz and R&B") and a really powerful signal. Announcing that "We love your company just as much as you love our radio station" - well, positive feelings are mutual.
1053 22.10. 1105 Newstalk ZB, New Plymouth. A handful of NZ stations were heard on this day. Newstalk ZB on 1035 kHz had the most powerful signal, heard from 1035 to 1315 UTC.
1161 22.10. 1104 Te Upoko o Te Ika, Wellington, with Christian programming on this Sunday.
Radio Live, Wellington, announcing its phone number 0800 844 747. The exact frequency can be determined only up to half a hertz, so there's not necessarily any deviation from one day to another. On October 27 there was a local announcement for Wellington after a spot and before a national weather forecast.
1240 23.10. 1201 KEWE Kahului HI is of course not a rarity in Lapland, but it took this long for me to send a report to "The Spirit of Maui", // 95.5 FM
1241.9953 27.10. 1252 1XX (One Double X), Whakatane
1251.0002 27.10. 1059 Rhema, Auckland
1278.0005 27.10. 1059 Newstalk ZB, Napier-Hastings
1332.0000 27.10. 1242 Radio Sport, Auckland. At least on this occasion, even all the spots aired during the "Outkick the Coverage" show of Fox Sports Radio were directly from the US feed and had no local content.
1341 27.10. 1300 Newstalk ZB, New Plymouth. Unfortunately the ID was a bit too weak for sending a reception report.
1431 24.10. 1305 + Vision Christian Radio, Kalgoorlie, aired a spot about its own vacancy. Applicants were directed to vision.org.au/jobs.
1449 22.10. 1058 V6AH Voice of Pohnpei, Kolonia, Pohnpei
1494 22.10. 1050 Star, Hamilton, promoting its program "Living Truth with Pastor Charles Price"
1503.0020 27.10. 1244 Radio Sport, Wellington/Christchurch, this offset belonging to either one of the two transmitters
1512 24.10. 1302 6BAY Spirit Radio, Morawa
5045 1.11. 1227 Ozy Radio, Razorback, was the only shortwave station reported
 North America
 kHz: day.month. time UTC: station, comments:
550 23.10. 0800 WFRB Frostburg MD
580 23.10. 0801 CKWW Windsor ON. It only took a couple of decades to hear this station, because CFRA is strong.
580 29.10. 1000 KTMT Medford OR // 96.1 FM
590 23.10. 0610 CJCW Sussex NB, "One great song after another, your community, your station, 590 CJCW"
600 23.10. 0710 CFQR Montréal QC, playing pre-recorded promotional announcements and music
610 29.10. 0507 KONA Kennewick-Richland-Pasco WA
620 23.10. 0700 WVMT Burlington VT
640 29.10. 0602 + WMFN Peotone IL, testing
780 29.10. 0531 KCEG Fountain CO
790 23.10. 0800 WAEB Allentown PA, "The Lehigh Valley's news, traffic and weather station"
790 31.10. 0559 WTNY Watertown NY
790 4.11. 1103 KABC Los Angeles CA was the last station to be identified on AIH76, a few minutes before I pulled the plug.
800 23.10. 0700 CJBQ Belleville ON
830 2.11. 0600 WTRU Kernersville NC // 97.7 FM
860 23.10. 0900 KTRB San Francisco CA, "The Answer", which I heard also locally in the Bay Area right after the DXpedition
880 30.10. 1000 KCMX Medford OR, "News Media 880 KCMX", for once even stronger than CHQT
890 4.11. 0900 KJME Fountain CO, "890 Yesterday", playing only the Beatles
920 23.10. 0700 WDMC Melbourne FL
920 23.10. 0800 WMNI Columbus OH // "Easy 95.1 FM"
920 4.11. 0833 KLMR Lamar CO belongs to Cherry Creek Media, whose new Chief Engineer Jared Dickert verifies all correct reception reports with his friendly emails
950 29.10. 0500 KOZE Lewiston ID
1040 1.11. 0659 WURN Boynton Beach FL, "Actualidad"
1130 28.10. -0132 KXET Mt Angel OR was heard really well just before switching to nighttime power
1130 4.11. 1059 KSDO San Diego CA with Radio Nueva Vida programming and a proper ID at the hour
1140 23.10. 0700 WRMQ Orlando FL, "Rejoice 1140 and 103.7 WRMQ"
1150 31.10. 0759 KNRV Englewood CO, promoting its website onda1150am.com, was a very nice surprise
1170 29.10. 0859 KLOK San Jose CA, where I visited personally just a week after picking up their signal!
1180 29.10. 0400 KZOT Bellevue NE
1190.0034 31.10.
KVCU Boulder CO // 98.9 FM
1190 1.11. 0000 KVSV Beloit KS, "KVSV Beloit AM 1190 The Mix"
1229.9199 23.10. 1206 KVAK Valdez AK, listed just for the record to remind of the split
1230.0042 29.10. 0927 KSGG Reno NV, "The New Power 92-5", broadcasting hip hop, which is very rare on the AM band.
1240 28.10. 0100 KBIZ Ottumwa IA
1240 4.11. 0900 KRDO Colorado Springs CO
1249.9994 29.10. 1008 KHIL Willcox AZ ran a promotional announcement voiced by Leroy Van Dyke, // 98.1 FM
1260 29.10. 0900 WCCR Cleveland OH, "Cleveland Catholic Radio WCCR Cleveland AM 1260 The Rock"
1260 1.11. 0634 WSDZ Belleville IL, "Praise 95.1"
1340 29.10. 1215 KATA Arcata CA
1340 1.11. 0744 WBRK Pittsfield MA
1340 3.11. 1100 KYLT Missoula MT, just Fox Sports Radio aside from a short top-of-the hour ID
1370 22.10. 1300 KWNC Quincy WA, heard even with a 10-degree aerial
1380 29.10. 0600 KRCM Shenandoah TX, "Radio Vida", promoting also its TV operation on "Canal 38.8"
1400 1.11. 0600 KFRU Columbia MO
1400 1.11. 0600 KWYN Wynne MO. Thanks to Patrik Willför, Bruce Collier and Chris Kadlec for clearing the identity of this catch.
1410 31.10. 0630 KLEM Le Mars IA // 96.9 FM
1410 31.10. 0900 WNER Watertown NY
1440 23.10. 0654 WJJL Niagara Falls NY
1450 29.10. 0900 WMOH Hamilton OH, "1450 The Ticket", a station which I remember listening to when I spent a summer in Cincinnati back in 1980.
1450 1.11. 0630 WKEI Kewanee IL, also on regionaldailynews.com
1450 1.11. 0740 WLEC Sandusky OH. Thanks to Antti Aaltonen for nailing the identity.
1450 1.11. 0820 WHNK Parkersburg WV, "Faith Talk 1450"
1460 23.10. 0700 WBUC Buckhannon WV
1480 31.10. 0833 KRAE Cheyenne WY, "1480 K-ray"
1490 31.10. 0458 WSWW Charleston WV, relaying 580 WCHS.
1490 1.11. 0700 WBEX Chillicothe OH
1490 4.11. 0700 WOLF Syracuse NY // FM 92.5, Fox Sports Radio
1530 1.11. 0600 KGBT Harlingen TX with ESPN Deportes Radio, but also a nice local ID at each top of the hour
1570 1.11. 1002 WCCM Methuen MA, "Galaxia 1570, el sonido de las estrellas"
1590 23.10. 0759 WKTP Jonesborough TN, "ESPN Radio for the Tri-Cities", simulcasting with WKPT 1400 and WOPI 1490 and three FM stations
1590 3.11. 0700 KDAV Lubbock TX, "The Spirit"
1600 22.10. 1259 KOHI St. Helens OR
1600 2.11. 0900 KIVA Albuquerque NM
 Central America & Caribbean
 kHz: day.month. time UTC: station, comments:
540 2.11. 0559 Radio Rebelde, Santa Rita/Sancti Spíritus
CMHW Dobleve, UNID QTH. Announcing Santa Clara, but can be something else just as well. Gives frequencies as "840 AM, 93.5 FM", but is not heard on 840 simultaneously, so could be a frequency change.
880 1.11. 0700 Radio Progreso, Mantua, weak under WCBS
910 4.11. 0718 RCN San Andrés. This was a very welcome new DX country, which I have been actively hunting for about 25 years.
940 4.11. 0800 Radio Progreso, Sancti Spíritus
1060 1.11. 0630 XERDO Reynosa TM, "La Raza 1060", much weaker than the dominant XEEP. I heard XERDO back in 2006 on 1450 AM. The transmitter remains in the same location, although city-of-license seems to have changed from Matamoros.
 South America
 kHz: day.month. time UTC: station, comments:
540.0002 23.10. 0502 Radio Nacional, Santa Fé/Tartagal, with an unbelievably strong signal
630 23.10. 0521 LU4 Radio Nacional Patagonia, Comodoro Rivadavia
629.9926 4.11. 0558 YVKA Radio Nacional de Venezuela, Caracas, identifying as "RNV Musical"
659.9919 4.11. 0422 HCLG2 Radio Carrousel, Guayaquil
750.0013 4.11. 0419 HCRC2 Radio Caravana, Guayaquil
779.9995 4.11. 0412 HJFV Radio Viva, Pasto, with the progam "El Traganiquel del Recuerdo"
780 22.10.
ZYK729 Rádio Caiçara, Porto Alegre RS
819.9998 23.10. 0504 ZYJ238 Rádio Cultura Foz, Foz do Iguaçu PR
920 22.10.
ZYK584 Rádio Imperador, Franca SP
920 22.10. 0500 ZYK775 Rádio Nacional Gospel, Cotia SP. Novo Tempo, which usually dominates, luckily dipped at the hour.
1080 4.11. 0500 HJAX La Voz de Antioquia, Medellín. This is still the ID, although the name "La Voz de la Nostalgia" is listed in the 2018 WRTH. Interestingly, there is a website and a corresponding audio stream for both names.
1120.0232 22.10. 0502 ZYK660 Rádio Cidade, São José dos Campos SP
1269.9986 26.10. 0154 ZYH753 Rádio Brasil Central, Goiânia GO
1290 1.11. 0416 OCX1Q Radio Programas del Perú, Tumbes
1400.0021 22.10. 0400 ZYK658 Rádio Clube, São Carlos SP, even beating R Rio at times
1460.0006 22.10. 0508 ZYK352(?) Rádio Litoral, Imbé RS, was a total surprise, but was luckily peaking at time of ID
1490 4.11. 0459 HCSM5 Radio Santa María, Azoguesnnn
1499.9928 22.10. 0500 ZYK773 Rádio Cumbica, São Paulo SP
1509.9987 22.10. 0514 ZYJ795 Rádio Centro Oeste, Pinhalzinho SC, only announcing its FM frequency "100.9!"
1540.0055 22.10. 0507 CX154 Radio Patria, Treinta y Tres
1570.0097 22.10. 0536 Radio Unión (880 AM), Lima, was the ID, but still unclear what the actual station and transmitter location are
Check out also the AIH76 DXpedition Report
Published on February 5, 2025 and updated later

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AIH76 DXpedition Report


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