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AIH142 DXpedition Log (INCOMPLETE)
October 16-November 1, 2021

 Europe (excluding Iberia)
 kHz: day.month. time UTC: station, comments:
 kHz: day.month. time UTC: station, comments:
855 25.10. 0525 RNE1 Huelva.
855 25.10. 0528 RNE1 Salamanca.
1341 28.10. 2158 Onda Cero Radio, Almería.

Note: As with all continents, only rarities are listed. Another 100+ Spanish stations would have been available as well. Iberia (Spain, Portugal, Azores, Gibraltar & Andorra) counting as a separate continent is a Finnish DXers' quirk, underscoring Iberia's traditionally strong status in Nordic DXing and the distinctive character of its broadcasting scene.

 kHz: day.month. time UTC: station, comments:
 kHz: day.month. time UTC: station, comments:
585 24.10. 1300 Henan PBS, Anyang EN.
648 24.10. 1200,1400 Changchun PBS (City Life, Shào'er yu Laonián Shenghuó Guangbo), Changchun JL. Chris Kadlec's China Database is really useful for figuring out station identifications like this one.
675 25.10. 2000 JOVK NHK1 Hakodate.
792 24.10. 1255 JOHG NHK1 Kagoshima (576) via Naze, Okinawa. Still better on 576, but fortunately on this frequency as well.
1026 19.10. 1355 JOIK NHK1 Sapporo (567) via Engaru/ Esashi/Nakatonbetsu.
1062 19.10. 1358-1400

Aomori Hoso (RAB), Noheji. There was an optional two-minute local break in the All Night Nippon Show at this time. Some other stations (like STV) just continued with instrumental music and an ANA promo and spot.

1215 19.10. 1358 JOGE Aomori Hoso (RAB), Hirosaki.
1341 19.10. 1355 JOIK NHK1 Sapporo (567) via Nakashibetsu/Urakawa.
1521 23.10.
1559 + Ningbo PBS (Music Radio), Ningbo ZJ, with FM 98.6.
1584 16.10. 2000 JOAG NHK1 Nagasaki (684) via JOBG NHK1 Shimabara.
 Australia & Oceania
 kHz: day.month. time UTC: station, comments:
1521 18.10. 1706 2QN Deniliquin NSW, "This is Australia Overnight on 1521 2QN."
 North America
 kHz: day.month. time UTC: station, comments:
560 18.10. 1329 CBDN Dawson City YT. CBC Yukon programming with contact info given as cbcyukon@cbc.ca.
779.9997 26.10. -2230 WAVA Arlington VA, nowadays simulcasting also on 105.1 FM (and not just on 96.7 FM as in the AM Radio Log).
790.0015 28.10. 0001 KXXX Colby KS, identified as "Farm'n'Country 790 AM KXXX."
829.9951 28.10. -0029 KUYO Evansville WY. I've got this verified from a decade ago, but it was nice to get the sign-off station ID in pretty good quality for my audio archive.
840 18.10. 1359 KPEN Kenai AK. ID: "AM 620, FM 100.1 KGTL Homer and AM 840, FM 102.5 and 107.9 KPEN Kenai-Homer."
850.0003 27.10. 2335 KFUO Clayton MO replied instantly.
860 27.10. 0805 + WSON Henderson KY was first logged by JJK, but was heard on the same morning in three different locations in Lapland.
869.9981 27.10. 2259 WKAR East Lansing MI made a news report about me catching the station on the WKAR website and on the air. Sign-off at 2300 UTC.
880.0000 27.10. -2400 KRVN Lexington NE. I've heard this one a few times before, but never this strong. Sign-off at mid-sentence, two seconds past the top of the hour.
889.9964 27.10. 2327 KQLX Lisbon ND, identifies as "Agnews 890." There was a very informative sign-off station ID at 2345 UTC, which is the closing time for this daytimer in October.
969.9982 26.10. 2150 WNYM Hackensack NJ, promoting the programming of "AM 970 The Answer".
990 19.10. 2259 WDEO Ypsilanti MI, with staggering signal strength, claiming to be the first and only Catholic radio station in the country.
1110.0011 26.10. -2229 WKQA Norfolk VA, heard with the sign-off station ID.
1120 27.10. 2359 KCRN Limon CO, with an ID and Catholic Radio Network programming. They used a slogan "Change your station, change your life". Well, looks like I keep on changing my life hundreds of times each day...
1140 18.10. -2230 WCJW Warsaw NY. I've logged this one also before, but it was nice to capture the sign-off station ID of "The Western New York's CJ Country".
1160 26.10. 2225 WPIE Trumansburg NY, // 107.1 FM.
1240 18.10. 0611 + KSOX Raymondville TX, "Radio Visión Hispana".
1239.9981 19.10. 0005 WJIM Lansing MI.
1240 19.10. 2259 WHIZ Zanesville OH.
1240 19.10. 2300 WJTN Jamesville NY.
1240.0684 22.10. 0522 + WJNC Jacksonville NC, on a hefty offset. There was a weather forecast ending with a sung station ID "Go Mix Christian Radio!"
1250 26.10. 2232 WTMA Charleston SC.
1259.9932 27.10. 1004 + KBRH Baton Rouge LA must have been on daytime power to be heard here.
1270 20.10.
WHLD Niagara Falls NY, "You're listening to WHLD Niagara Falls Buffalo, this is Newstalk 1270, where Buffalo comes to talk."
1270 28.10. 0800 WLIK Newport TN. I was about to send a reception report when I realized that I already had a QSL from a decade ago.
1280 19.10. 2300 + WONW Defiance OH was a very pleasant surprise.
1290 25.10. 0600 WHKY Hickory NC, // 102.3 FM.
1340 19.10. 2300 WXFN Muncie IN. "I can say with certainty that you are our farthest away listener," wrote President J. Chapman in his verification email. This is not entirely correct, however, because the station has been heard in Finland also before, including at a slightly more distant location than Aihkiniemi.
1340 19.10. 2300 WCHB Royal Oak MI, "The Voice of the Church".
1350 28.10. 0800,0900 WBLT Bedford VA. This is no longer an ESPN sports station, but a talk station and forms part of the Virginia Talk Radio Network.
1400 17.10. 0900 KREF Norman OK, "The Ref."
1400 22.10. 0606 WJMX Darlington SC, "The Pee Dee's best place to talk, Newstalk 1400 AM WJMX." This part of South Carolina is called Pee Dee after the Great Pee Dee River.
1400 23.10. 0858 WSLB Ogdensburg NY. No ID, but fortunately a local spot for "Northern Physical Therapy Ogdensburg, Clayton and Evans Mills."
1420 20.10. 2139 WASR Wolfeboro NH // 97.1 FM.
1450 19.10. 0526 WIOE Fort Wayne IN.
1460 19.10. 0001 WKAM Goshen IN, "La Raza" // 98.1 FM.
1460 19.10. 0007 WPON Walled Lake MI. A generous night on this frequency.
1480 22.10. 0610 KLVL Pasadena TX, "Radio Vida."
1509.9940 18.10. 2253 WCAZ Carthage IL with my favorite format, country! The signal was audible for only three minutes, and already half an hour before local sunset.
1540.2035 22.10. 0636 + WKVQ Eatonton GA, mostly just playing gospel choir music. Luckily there was one poor ID as well. Easy to distinguish, thanks to the offset, but tough to listen to.
1560 19.10. 2257 + WWYC Toledo OH. This was mixing with two other stations, which could not be identified.
1560 21.10. 0045 KLTI Macon MO, "True Country KLTI".
1590 21.10. 0457 KMIC Houston TX, "Radio Aleluya 1590".
1590 22.10. 0559 WPSL Fort Saint Lucie FL, uses the slogan "The Digital Talk of the Treasure Coast."
1600 20.10. 2316 WCPK Chesapeake VA, "Hosanna Radio" in Spanish, very likely cheating on daytime power.
 Central America & Caribbean
 kHz: day.month. time UTC: station, comments:
 South America
 kHz: day.month. time UTC: station, comments:
550 31.10. 0532 ZYJ331 Rádio Banda B, Curitiba PR. I remembered to send a report to this one over three years later...
580 31.10. 0600 ZYK540 Rádio Clube Americana, São Paulo SP. Another forgotten station, to which I sent a report only after they had already migrated to FM. Nowadays the same station operates as Zé FM 76.3.
620 31.10. 0600 ZYK270 Rádio Pelotense, Pelotas RS.
1440 25.10. 0444 OAM7L Radio Solar, Espinar.
1520 20.10. 0405 ZYJ931 Rádio Xodó, Tobias Barreto SE. Many thanks to Samuel Cássio for identifying this!
Check out also the AIH142 DXpedition Report
Published on February 2, 2025 and updated later

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AIH142 DXpedition Report


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