South Pacific island music
was the soundtrack of the 76th DXpedition to Aihkiniemi.
Hawaiian stations were heard almost daily, AM catches
from New Zealand were netted on several days, and
a few rare stations from other islands were logged
as well, Radio Tuvalu (621 kHz) and V6AH from Micronesia
(1449 kHz) being the highlights. Conditions to North
America were not quite as good as low solar activity
would have suggested, but anyhow much better than
in September.
Barely three weeks had passed
after AIH72 when I
packed my Auris for the second DXpedition of the
season. This time my companion for the first four
days was Jim Solatie.
Jim's recordings continued for a few more days,
but during the second week I was scanning the dial
by myself.

Here the car-carrier is finally arriving at
the off-load ramp in Rovaniemi. |
I met Jim in Helsinki at Pasila
railway station where cars are loaded on trains
up north. Our overnight trip went smoothly, although
we did miss a planned appointment with fellow DXers
Juha Vehmas
and Teijo Mäenpää, who were traveling
to Lemmenjoki, another DXing base in Lapland, at
the same time. Only when our train reached Tampere
we realized that they were actually on a different
train, as their destination would be Kolari and
we were rolling towards Rovaniemi, in different
parts of Lapland.
In Rovaniemi the railroad company
VR was really slow in offloading the cars, and eventually
we were able to head north just before 9 a.m., even
though our scheduled arrival time in Rovaniemi was
already at 7:14. We drove over the Arctic Circle
in brisk and clear weather with temperatures just
below freezing point.

Mika Mäkeläinen, Jim Solatie, Martti
Karimies and Jari Sinisalo |
While we were shopping for Thai
cubes and other essential gourmet delicacies in
Ivalo, we met Martti
Karimies and Jari Sinisalo in the local supermarket.
Martti and Jari, having just been DXing intensively
for a week in Aihkiniemi,
were quite happy with their catch after scoring
loads of Australian stations as well as the coveted
AM country of Micronesia, which they heard for the
first time in Finland on Friday, their last full
day in Aihkiniemi. Australia, unfortunately, was
almost totally absent during our DXpedition.

On our way up north we stopped briefly on top
of Kaunispää mountain to take in the
wintry landscape. |
This AIH76 DXpedition had from
the start a very different feeling compared to AIH72.
Wintry conditions were visible both in the nature
and on the AM band. There was a sprinkling of snow
dust all around, and our nearby ponds were freezing
over as average temperatures had fallen under zero
Celsius. Days were much shorter, and there was no
longer necessarily any daytime lull in propagation,
as there still was in September.
Solar weather indices were very
promising in the beginning, so we had high hopes
for the first few days of the DXpedition. Jim's
timing was perfect, as the conditions were indeed
best during the first four days, before Jim had
to fly to China for business. The A index spiked
on October 2426 to the upper teens, but otherwise
there were no major disruptions to a very steady
and predictable daily propagation cycle.
Antennas in Aihkiniemi were the
same as during AIH72. This is our selection of 13
Beverage antennas, each about one kilometer in length:

Although there were no solar
storms, aurora borealis was visible on a couple
of clear nights, and I shot my best ever aurora
pictures during the first hour of October 25.

A bit risky to walk
on the thin ice, but at least it would be a
shallow pond... |
Our gear consisted of Perseus
receivers, custom-made antenna splitters and laptops.
As before, I used Jaguar software, while Jim relied
on Perseus.
Aihkiniemi was not the only operational
Nordic DXpedition site during these October weeks.
Teijo and Juha were in Lemmenjoki for the first
week (LEM387),
followed by Antti Aaltonen and Timo Reiniluoto (LEM388)
during my second week. In Parkalompolo in northern
Sweden, PAX121
(RTF file) and PAX122
(PDF) DXpeditions coincided partly with AIH76. Remote
AM listening was practised continuously both in
northern Norway and in Ivalo in the Finnish Lapland.
a look at propagation conditions, our DXing results
and other activities on each day:
Saturday, October 21, 2017
Martti and Jari had kindly set
up an automated recording for catching Pacific stations
in the early afternoon, but nothing new was found.
Stations such as AFN Misawa (1575 kHz) and Marshall
Islands (1098 kHz) were heard briefly after 1100
UTC. DWNX from the Philippines (1611 kHz) was quite
strong around 1300 UTC, and that's when loads of
Chinese stations were also heard for about an hour,
but after that there was nothing interesting anywhere.
Most of our time and effort was spent simply on
getting our setup in order, as building all the
listening and recording hardware is always a major
Sunday, October 22, 2017

More colorful than ever before |
Overnight was mostly quiet, but
Brazilian stations began rising around 0330 UTC,
and in their wake, stations from Argentina and Uruguay
as well. The morning opening peaked around 0500-0530
UTC and was very strong. Numerous interesting files
are waiting to be screened, but so far the only
personally new station for me is ZYK773 Rádio
Cumbica from São Paulo (1500 kHz).
North American stations improved
at the same time, and even graveyard channels had
readable signals after 0200 UTC. In the wee hours
of the morning the opening was centered in the Rocky
Mountains, and offered stations like KRDZ Wray (1440
kHz) and KFCS Colorado Springs (1580 kHz) from Colorado.
Midwestern stations were prominent later in the
morning, and in the afternoon Jim caught several
new stations from Oregon and Washington while I
was totally focused on Oceania.
Nothing really new was found
from Africa, although Jim logged Radio Botswana
(648 and 693 kHz).

Pointing my lens
towards the zenith |
The big news of the day was a
terrific opening to the Pacific starting from around
0945 UTC. Marshall Islands (1098 kHz) had a fabulous
signal for almost a couple of hours until sign-off
at 1130 UTC. For us, the two biggest fishes were
V6AH Voice of Pohnpei from Micronesia on 1449 kHz,
heard giving a full station ID just before sign-off
at 1100 UTC, and Gold FM (990 kHz) from Fiji, which
has never before been logged in Finland. Gold FM
had such a monster signal that it is bound to become
a fairly regular catch from the Pacific at least
in Aihkiniemi, which has the best antennas to that
direction. Also some stations from New Zealand were
heard, Newstalk ZB on 1035 kHz being the strongest
one. There were probably no new ones for Jim, but
I was happy about hearing Te Üpoko o te Ika
from Wellington on 1161 kHz, a Maori station.
A bunch of Japanese stations
were heard in the afternoon, when NHK2 stations
signed off at 1520 UTC. No new ones were found.
Far East Asian stations were surprisingly weak in
the evening. DZRB from the Philippines was logged
around sign-on time after 2000 UTC, but we found
nothing new for us.
Monday, October 23, 2017
propagation was an extremely intriguing roller coaster
ride of highs and lows, so it deserves close scrutiny
and it will take years to go through all
our recordings. In the middle of the night hardly
anything was audible beyond Europe, but already
at 0200 UTC Brazilian and Argentinian stations were
quite strong. North American stations, mostly from
around the Great Lakes, were heard simultaneously,
but weaker. Argentina and Brazil prevailed remarkably
long, and we focused on that area until about 0545
UTC. Signal levels especially in the lower end of
the AM dial were huge. Then the whole band was already
full of North American stations from coast to coast,
including a few Mexican and Cuban stations, which
continued for several hours. North American stations
retreated gradually after 1000 UTC, although a bunch
of West Coast regulars remained on the dial until
at least 1300 UTC. Of the stations we have identified
so far, WDMC Melbourne FL (920 kHz) and WJJL Niagara
Falls NY (1440 kHz) were new ones for me.

The best aurora shots were taken on October
25, at around 1 a.m. local time. |
Before noon we went out checking
antennas, and after arriving back in the cabin around
0915 UTC, Marshall Islands was soon heard on 1098
kHz. Its signal was nothing short of stunning for
a while. Also Tonga and New Zealand were heard briefly
and so was
Radio Tuvalu (621 kHz) just before 1000 UTC, a station
previously unheard in Finland, but the signal was
too weak to get an ID.
By 1030 UTC, very early considering
it was still October, the AM band was filled by
Japanese and mostly Chinese stations, predominantly
from the northern provinces (Heilongjiang, Jilin
and Liaoning), which overpowered any signals from
the Pacific. Qitaihe PBS (1062 kHz) from Heilongjiang,
never before heard in Europe, was the highlight
of this rare opening. Soon afterwards, around 1130
UTC, everything from the Eastern Hemisphere vanished.
It was utterly strange to browse totally empty frequencies
at 9 kHz intervals, whatever antenna you happened
to use. Around 1300 UTC some Japanese stations made
a comeback, followed soon by Iranians, and then
some Chinese. Geographically the selection was still
very limited, allowing Gold FM (990 kHz) from Fiji
to re-emerge and be heard with a huge signal from
around 1320 UTC. There was no interference from
any other station in the Eastern Hemisphere.
While the East was silent in
the afternoon, Hawaii and, to a lesser degree, Alaska,
were almost the only regions with audible signals
and not just
audible, but this opening to Hawaii was probably
the best that I have ever experienced. For example
KSSK Honolulu (590 kHz) was identified, and stronger
stations like KEWE Kahului (1240 kHz) were heard
for hours.
The evening was surprisingly
poor. Asia recovered somewhat, as there were a few
strong stations from China, Taiwan, the Philippines
and such, but mostly the dial was filled by stations
from the Middle East.
October 24, 2017
During the night just a few scattered
signals from North America made it our way, but
the southern part of South America offered a bit
more stable reception from around 2200 UTC. Signals
were however weaker than on the previous nights
and while they should have improved after 0300 UTC,
they instead began to wane. In any case, some of
the strongest Argentinian stations prevailed almost
until 0600 UTC. North American stations, mostly
from the Rockies, became stronger around 0400 UTC
and continued through the day. Around 0900 UTC a
sliver of the East Coast was also audible.

Jim is enjoying Thai
goodies on the plate and on the radio. |
After checking a couple of antennas
before midday, I kept a close watch for the first
signals to emerge from the Pacific. Marshall Islands
was the first one heard before 0930 UTC, and even
Tuvalu (621 kHz) revealed some audio, but still
quite weak and there was not a chance to get an
ID. Radio Kiribati (1440 kHz) signed off well before
its scheduled closedown of 1000 UTC, after which
we enjoyed island music from Tonga (1017 kHz). Unfortunately
for the Pacific stations, the first Japanese, Korean
and Chinese signals emerged already before 1000
UTC. European signals were also very strong, so
instead of Micronesia we had BBC and a Japanese
station on 1449 kHz.
East Asian stations were heard
nicely at 12001300
UTC, after which conditions melted totally. Japanese
stations made a comeback just before the sign-off
of NHK2 stations at 1600 UTC. Conditions seemed
to focus in Aomori, which was heard on three frequencies.
UK stations and West European
stations in general were remarkably strong throughout
the day.
Wednesday, October 25, 2017
Overnight, North American stations
showed up very briefly just before 2200 UTC, but
vanished about ten minutes later. Another equally
short surge was noted at about 2220 UTC. Upper band
AM stations revived a bit at 0300 UTC, and signal
levels were quite good at 03300400
UTC. Short peaks were noted also before and after
0500 UTC, but then North America was gone. Just
a handful of stations from around Alberta appeared

Jim taking a dip as the lake was not yet completely
frozen. |
The story for Latin American
propagation was very similar: the openings were
very short and required constant monitoring
done either live in person or by software such as
Jaguar. Some stations from Brazil and Argentina
appeared briefly around 2230 UTC, and new openings
took place around 0100 and 0200 UTC, but the customary
morning enhancement around 0500 UTC was much weaker
than on previous days.
Before I went to sleep, the skies
fortunately cleared, and so I spent over an hour
taking photos of some really gorgeous northern lights.
Jim had packed his stuff by 9
a.m. (0600 UTC) and I drove him across the Norwegian
border to Kirkenes Airport for a flight south. Jim
would continue on a business trip to China. Unfortunately
there are not yet direct flights to Beijing from
this winter wonderland. I still had some hopes for
dxing in the afternoon, so apart from a couple of
photos I didn't stay to enjoy the Arctic fjord scenery,
but drove straight back to the Aihkiniemi cabin.

The road to Kirkenes
airport runs along rugged Neiden and Munke fjords.
The first weak Far East Asian
stations emerged after 1100 UTC. Surprisingly, Marshall
Islands appeared briefly just before its sign-off
time of 1130 UTC. This was followed by some Japanese
and Chinese stations, but soon after 1200 UTC they
were all gone. A similar propagation window opened
to the west at around 1120 UTC, when some Rockies
and West Coast stations were heard for about 15
minutes. At least initially I didn't find anything
new from either front.
Around 1500 UTC Chinese
and Philippine stations were quite strong, but soon
Indian and Iranian stations became audible, so even
though signal levels were strong, it is close to
impossible to find any new stations when all of
Asia can be heard at the same. A couple of common
Australian stations showed up at various times during
the evening hours (729, 891, 1152 and 1161 kHz),
but at least instantly there were no new catches.
Thursday, October 26, 2017
Brazilian and Argentinian stations
kept on playing peek-a-boo with DXers like me, appearing
out of nowhere for a moment and fading away very
soon. Stations were audible at 2220 and 0150 UTC,
followed by an average morning peak after 0400 UTC.
A Peruvian station (giving an ID for Radio Unión
on 880 kHz) surprised on 1570 kHz being the latest
one to remain on the dial at 0600 UTC, but soon
after that all transatlantic signals vanished. Some
North American signals were audible at various times
through the night as well, but signals were fleeting
and weak.

Juha Vehmas and Teijo Mäenpää |
Daytime was dead on the dial,
with only KBRW Barrow (on 680 kHz) providing armchair
quality reception. I expected nothing from the Pacific,
but surprisingly Marshall Islands was once again
heard just before closing time around 1130 UTC.
DXer friends Teijo Mäenpää and Juha
Vehmas from Lemmenjoki were visiting at the time,
so they got to experience how well Pacific stations
can be heard in Aihkiniemi.
After 1300 UTC, a handful of
stations from northern Alberta appeared briefly
on the dial, CKJR (1440 kHz) being the strongest
one, surprisingly.
The first Asians were heard
briefly around 1200 UTC but signals retreated again
before becoming much stronger by 1300 UTC. Now the
emphasis was in Guangdong and the rest of Southeast
Asia, with the rest of South Asia following the
tide. By 1500 UTC most of the Far Eastern stations
had given way to stations from India, the Middle
East, and most destructively, to European stations,
so this Asia opening was unusually short. The entire
evening was crappy without decent openings to any
Friday, October 27, 2017
Overnight the first North American
signals arrived before midnight UTC, and I identified
WRRD Waukesha WI (1510 kHz) with its daytime power
at 2300 UTC. It is not really a rarity, and I have
it verified from years ago, but it was nice to know
that there was anyhow some nighttime propagation
to North America. Most of the time signal levels
were very poor. Latin America was another story.
Once again reception of Brazilian and Argentinian
stations was much above average, peaking at 0115,
0310 and finally around 0520 UTC, after which signals
nosedived so that the AM band was virtually dead
after 0600 UTC. My best catch this night was probably
ZYK304 Rádio Tapejara on 1530 kHz. Only very
weak US West Coast signals remained after daybreak
but of course
KBRW sounded like a local station.

Ice forming on antenna
wires during crisp winter weather |
Around midday, Marshall Islands
was again heard on 1098 kHz and even Kiribati and
Tuvalu gave some audio for a few minutes, but Tuvalu's
signal was still at a very crappy level. Around
1100 UTC the first Asian stations emerged for about
fifteen minutes, and also stations from the western
half of North America gained some strength for about
half an hour before being submerged by the atmospheric
What happened next was
really intriguing. A few Kiwi stations popped up
around 1220 UTC, along with a bunch of Japanese,
but then nothing else followed except when
Iranian stations began to fill the band an hour
later. Even later on, China and South East Asia
were virtually absent for hours. The frequencies
would have been almost vacant, if only more Pacific
signals would have risen above noise floor. Anyway,
I got at least a few personally new ones from New
Zealand: Newstalk ZB on 1053, 1278 and 1341 kHz,
as well as Radio Live on 1233 kHz. In the evening,
some ABC powerhouses from Australia were quite strong,
but at least on the fly I didn't catch any new ones.
Saturday, October 28, 2017
Overnight Brazil opened the game
as usual, but stations were a bit weaker than before.
Signals peaked around 0300 UTC, after which it was
continuous downhill before everything evaporated
around sunrise. North American stations took quite
long to appear on the dial. Stations went up and
down, and some readable signals were heard around
0100, 0300 and 0500 UTC. Focus was in the Upper
Midwest and the Rockies, which is very common, with
stations like KJCR Billings MT (1230 kHz) and KZZJ
Rugby ND (1450 kHz). The biggest surprise was to
catch KXET Mt. Angel OR (1129.9985 kHz) broadcasting
in Russian with frequent IDs and the slogan "Radio
Slavic Family". It was booming as long as daytime
power was on until 0132 UTC. Another surprise was
KCKN Roswell NM (1020 kHz) alone on its frequency
(1020.0055 kHz to be exact).

This footbridge is the way to get around a treacherous
pond where ice may not yet be strong enough. |
North American stations were
taking the lead this morning as some stations from
there overtook weaker Latin Americans even on our
255-degree aerial. Sunrise however quickly evaporated
most transatlantic signals until after 1200 UTC,
when West Coast stations gained strength for a short
No island music from the Pacific
today, and even Asian stations emerged quite late,
well after 1200 UTC. Unfortunately, European stations
were very strong through the day. Then Iranian and
even Romanian stations began to occupy frequencies
already around 1300 UTC. Eventually all of Asia
was audible at the same time, so there is practically
no hope of finding anything interesting.
Today it snowed for the
first time, so I got a nice workout clearing the
driveway. Also the temperatures fell to nearly -10
degrees Celsius. The sky was clear during the night,
but not a trace of northern lights was visible.
Sunday, October 29, 2017

A closeup of ice
crystals on the ground |
The first
Brazilian stations from the northeastern corner
of the country appeared, as usual, before 2100 UTC.
Signals improved slowly and were very strong before
daybreak, to the extent that at one point I was
hearing Radio Uruguay on 1050 kHz on my 305-degree
aerial, which is pointed at the East Coast of North
America. North American stations ruled the AM band
just before 0600 UTC which is when they too dipped
sharply, only to recover after 0800 UTC. After 0900
UTC it was a slow descent, but some stations from
the Northwestern corner of the US were audible still
around 1400 UTC, which is also when the multitude
of Alaskan and Hawaiian stations began to fade out.
I noticed for instance KPRP Honolulu (650 kHz) with
Philippine programming, not a very common station,
but I got my QSL over two decades ago.
US conditions favored the Great Lakes area, tilting
westwards and yielding a few nice stations from
California as well. The most interesting catch of
the day was WMFN Peotone IL (640 kHz) which had
just begun testing, identified frequently and presumably
transmitted with daytime power and antenna pattern,
occasionally beating 50-kW CFMJ in Toronto.
The eastern front was equally
interesting. At 1000 UTC stations from Japan to
the Pacific islands appeared briefly, only to vanish
for another two hours. A couple of Newstalk ZB stations
were heard at 1000 UTC, which is the earliest that
I have caught them at this time of the year. Signals
improved a bit around 1200 UTC, retreated again,
and grew to full strength only around 1400 UTC.
Just like on Saturday, stations from all around
Asia appeared at the same time, which makes new
findings very challenging. The South Australian
ABC powerhouses were heard quite strong, but none
of the smaller stations.
Monday, October 30, 2017
Overnight was disappointing.
Brazil and Argentina were weak, and there was still
nothing from the northern half of South America,
nor from Central America or the Caribbean. In the
morning there were some strong Latin signals, but
mostly they were swamped by exceptionally strong
adjacent-channel European stations. North American
stations were weak as well, best perhaps around
0200 UTC. They were supposed to improve after 0500
UTC, but started fading out instead.

The largest lake in the region, Inarijärvi,
began to freeze over during our DXpedition. |
Later on North American stations
recovered and maintained a stable but weak level,
with a focus in the Rockies and the West Coast.
During the day, Pacific islands were absent, except
for V7AB Marshall Islands on 1098 kHz. Also some
stations from New Zealand were heard (such as Radio
Live on 1107 kHz), but the extent of that opening
remains to be seen, as I spent time cleaning antennas
from snow and ice. The afternoon opening to Asia
focused on China, from where I find it very difficult
to get any new ones anymore. So, mostly I just let
my Perseus receivers record the AM band for a review
at some undetermined time in the distant future,
while I focused on checking recordings from a week
ago, when conditions were better.
Generally signal levels
today and on these past few days have been much
weaker than solar indices would suggest I
wonder why.
Tuesday, October 31, 2017
Overnight was once again very
poor. There were no signs of North American stations
becoming audible early enough so that daytimers
could be heard. Overall, reception was shitty all
through the night, and basically only around 0000
UTC there were some readable signals. Latin America
wasn't much better. Signals were stable, but also
very weak, and there was no morning enhancement
to speak of. Just a couple of isolated stations
from Colombia were heard (such as Radio María
on 1580 kHz). North America fortunately continued
even past daybreak, with a welcome focus on the
Eastern half of the continent. There were some common
Cuban stations (for instance Radio Progreso on 1230
kHz) in the mix, especially around 06000700
UTC. North American signals began to retreat for
good at 1100 UTC, and by 1200 UTC there were just
a couple of stations left. Alaska and Hawaii however
continued for hours more. So far my best catch of
the day on the western front is KGEM Boise ID (1140

A Siberian jay, fattened
to endure the hard winter. |
However, the best accomplishment
of the day was to nail Radio Tuvalu (621 kHz), finally
with a sufficiently decent signal. It was audible
for almost an hour before signing off after 1000
UTC. V7AB (1098 kHz) and Tonga (1017 kHz) were also
heard, until an onslaught of Japanese stations landed
remarkably early, before 1000 UTC, and conquered
almost every frequency. Aomori stations tended to
rule the most common NHK1 frequencies when they
identified at 1000 UTC. Along came a bunch of Chinese
and Korean stations, but this was only the first
wave, and at 1130 UTC signal levels dropped sharply
so that most frequencies were left with just static.
When stations from the east returned at 1400 UTC,
they were limited to Iran and the Middle East
as well as a few stations from Northern Japan, but
nothing from in between. All of China, India and
all of South-East Asia were totally absent. As I'm
recording these notes, about four hours have passed
since sunset, and Asia is still a total loss. I
can't recall a similar situation before. This would
be possible under an extreme solar storm, but indices
are as good as they have ever been. Go figure.
Wednesday, November 1, 2017

Twilight just before dawn |
On Tuesday evening Brazil launched
the transatlantic flow of stations before 2100 UTC.
North American stations appeared much later, peaking
at 0100 UTC and then diving, until around 0400,
after which conditions improved steadily. The morning
was neat, since for the first time there was an
opening to Peru and Colombia, and the entire Western
Hemisphere didn't immediately take a deep dip at
sunrise. And the sun truly did visibly rise; with
clear skies the scenery up here is quite beautiful,
although fairly cold, temperature dropping to almost
-20 degrees C in the morning. My best immediate
catches were OAX1Q RPP Tumbes (1290 kHz), KFRU Columbia
MO (1400 kHz) and WURN Boynton Beach FL (1040 kHz).
WURN "Actualidad" was not the only Florida
station booming this morning. Also WSUA Miami FL
(1260 kHz) had a strong voice intermittently for
a couple of hours.
During daylight hours I tried
to clean the antennas of snow and ice, which tend
to accumulate during this kind of weather. So I
wasn't listening live all the time, but it appears
that the Pacific Ocean didn't have a good day. Anyhow,
Asian stations flowed in from about 1100 UTC. Around
1300 UTC there were a bunch of Philippine stations
(for instance DWDH, the DZRH relay on 1440 kHz),
but I didn't find anything new. However, I was happy
to venture away from the AM band for a while, and
to log Ozy Radio on shortwave (5045 kHz) with a
proper ID, unlike the day before, when it remained
a tentative catch.
Thursday, November 2, 2017

The Milky Way |
As luck would have it, I have
endured ten nights of non-existent East Coast daytimer
conditions, during the end of October, which would
be the ideal time to catch daytime-only stations
from the US, and heard nothing. Then, as soon as
all stations moved their sign-off times ahead, then
comes the night when numerous East Coast signals
appear before local sunset. Well, it was still cool
to listen to this North America opening, but chances
for rare daytime stations are small. In any case,
this was the first night when the US East Coast
was audible early into the night.
Daybreak offered interesting
openings, first to Brazil and Argentina until 0600
UTC, then to Chile and Colombia, as well as to Cuba
and Puerto Rico. US stations sounded like a worn-out
repetition of the previous day, with conditions
favoring the East Coast with Cuba, but the signals
were weaker, which in turn improved reception of
Latin American stations. Some Pacific Islands came
in full force already when I first tried them before
0900 UTC. Tonga, Marshall Islands and Kiribati had
nice signals, and the regular Hawaiian stations
were also booming. Unfortunately digging for new
stuff on this front is tough. West Europe was also
unbelievably strong. Even a small station such as
Dutch Vahon Hindustani Radio (1566 kHz) was heard
nicely with a terminated 30-degree antenna
which is just about the opposite direction from
the Netherlands. In November the difference of midday
conditions is stark when compared to mid-October,
when there are hardly any Europeans audible in daylight
on the AM band.

Radio Boca, a Spanish tempranillo red wine |
In the afternoon, Chinese
stations arrived early and were joined by Iranian
stations already before 1300 UTC, so Asia quickly
became a hopeless mix. At the same time, the US
West Coast continued to be heard longer than before,
with fairly strong signals even past 1300 UTC. Unsurprisingly,
KONP Port Angeles WA (1450 kHz) had one of the most
powerful footprints. I was happy to identify KWHR
Enterprise OR (1340 kHz) during this opening.
Friday, November 3, 2017
Late Thursday evening the path
to North America again opened very early, with CFMB
Montréal QC (1280 kHz) heard already at 2040
UTC. WCCM Methuen MA (1570 kHz) was the only daytimer
that I discovered, peaking with other Boston area
stations around 2130 UTC. The rest of the night
seemed to be uneventful to every direction. Signal
levels rose on Friday morning, but remained weaker
than the day before. It may be noteworthy that the
Sioux Falls (SD) station on 1140 kHz has new calls
KXRB, simulcasting on 100.1 FM. On 1440 kHz a repeat
offender was KRDZ Wray CO, which gives an idea of
the areas heard.

A winter wonderland |
Pacific islands were barely
detectable, and Asian stations stormed the AM band
very early, around 1000 UTC. China ruled most frequencies,
and I haven't managed to get anything new so far.
However, I didn't pay a lot of attention either,
as I focused on my travel arrangements for the upcoming
week. (I spent ten days in California and also made
a short lecture trip to Sweden, which delayed publication
of this DXpedition report by two weeks.)
Saturday, November 4, 2017
Some North American signals tried
to push through around their local sunset times,
but at least I didn't come across any rarities.
Overnight conditions to Latin America seemed poor,
and also to North America there appears to have
been just a short peak before 2300 UTC. In the morning
stations from Colombia, Ecuador and Venezuela came
fairly well, while North American signals were relatively
weak. A couple of hours later reception of US stations
improved quite a bit, but then it was time to pack
my stuff and head south. I unplugged my receivers
at 13:00 local time, and by 13:45 I was already
driving towards Rovaniemi to catch the overnight
train south.

Ronny Klemets and Hans Østnell |
Before departure, it was a pleasure
to meet Ronny Klemets and Hans Østnell for
the first time. With fairly good conditions, they
got a nice start for their week of ultimate AM DXing
in Aihkiniemi.
The five-hour drive south was
a gradual reintroduction to normal life. Instead
of waiting for any barely audible station ID, I
listened to golden oldies and EZL music blasting
in hifi quality from my CD player, and started paying
attention to the content of the newscasts instead
of just the origin. Instead of living from a propagation
opening to another and eating whenever I would be
hungry or have time to, I needed to switch to more
regular sleep patterns and mealtimes. And it was
refreshing to see people after a solitary cabin
feverish existence.
During two weeks of DXing, I
made a total of about 18 TB of recordings. To get
a idea of how much it is, consider this: As Jaguar
records 10-minute/3.57 GB sound files of the entire
AM band (let's assume there are about 115 AM frequencies
of interest in each recording), each 1 GB of recordings
contains about 5.4 hours of stuff to be reviewed.
Therefore, I would need almost 100,000 hours to
listen to it all. Waiting for my retirement... Of
course, I need to focus on what I presume to be
the top 1%, but now you know why it will take years
to have a complete log
to go along with this DXpedition report.