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AIH88 DXpedition Log (INCOMPLETE)
October 13-27, 2018

 Europe (excluding Iberia)
 kHz: day.month. time UTC: station, comments:
1476.0013 21.10. 0100 Asfalttelegrafen, Borås
6035 26.10. 1441 Radio Nord, Vaxholm
 kHz: day.month. time UTC: station, comments:

Note: As with all continents, only rarities are listed. Another 100+ Spanish stations would have been available as well. Iberia (Spain, Portugal, Azores, Gibraltar & Andorra) counting as a separate continent is a Finnish DXers' quirk, underscoring Iberia's traditionally strong status in Nordic DXing and the distinctive character of its broadcasting scene.

 kHz: day.month. time UTC: station, comments:
 kHz: day.month. time UTC: station, comments:
531 13.10. -1601* DZBR Tanauan closed down. The closing ID before the national anthem was impressive: "This is DZBR 531 AM, a commercial broadcast radio station owned and operated by Allied Broadcasting Center Inc. DZBR 531 AM operates daily from 5 o'clock a.m. to 12 o'clock midnight at 10 kilowatts on 531 kiloherz as authorized by the National Telecommunications Commision of the Republic of the Philippines under a temporary permit number DSB-0562-2016. Its studio and transmitter is located at Tanauan ..."
540 13.10. 1410 NHK1 Nagoya via Nanao/Matsumoto, with a regional break // JOCK 729
576 13.10. 1410 NHK1 Nagoya via Hamamatsu, regional progamming every day at this time for five minutes // JOCK 729
639 17.10. 1430 Thazin Radio, Pyin U Lwin, a familiar station on shortwave from years ago, but nice to spot also on the AM band. There's an English-language program at 1430-1500 UTC.
639 17.10. 1500 Radio Thailand, Bon Klang/Na San
647.9998 26.10. 2000 JOIG NHK1 Toyama
765 13.10. 1300 JOJF Kofu/Uenohara, Yamanashi Hoso identifies as "YBS Radio"
792 13.10. 1255 JOQK NHK1 Niigata via Takada, with a regional break
819 13.10. 1259 HLCN MBC Gwangju
837 13.10. 1410 NHK1 Hokkaido via Nayoro // JOIK 567. Not the first time to hear this, but maybe I should finally also report it.
1161 13.10. 1410 NHK1 Hokkaido // JOIK 567
1170 16.10. 1244 + Ordos PBS, Ordos NM, announcing FM 89.6. Apparently a new frequency, unless this was some rebroadcast.
1323 26.10. 2000 JOQG NHK1 Morioka via Yamada
1359 13.10. 1440 JOJB NHK2 Kanazawa via Wajima, an ID at this time on Saturdays, and closing down soon thereafter.
1377 13.10. 1440

JOTC NHK2 via Hachinohe

1413 13.10. 1251 + Hegang PBS, Hegang HL
1512 13.10. 1440 JONB NHK2 Nagano via Matsumoto/Komagane
 Australia & Oceania
 kHz: day.month. time UTC: station, comments:
549.0003 13.10. 1320 + TAB Trackside Radio, Opapa, Napier-Hastings. Trackside Radio has a new interval melody which is played very often, making the station easy to identify.
570 19.10. 1414 KUAI Eleele HI, "570 and 104-5 FM, Kauai's Country" - a nice station with a very nice format!
575.9979 13.10. 1322 + Star, Hamilton. The most common Star frequncies of 657 (656.9992), 882 (881.9994) and 1494 (1493.9990-1494.0003) were also heard during this fabulous afternoon opening.
611.9996 13.10. 1347 + Star, Nelson/Christchurch/New Plymouth
629.9994 13.10. 1343

Radio New Zealand, Opapa, Napier-Hastings. The most common RNZ frequencies of 567, 756, 1116 and 1143 AM were also heard, but not listed separately in this log.

670 23.10. 1358 KPUA Hilo HI
701.9959 13.10. 1250 Magic, Auckland, has local frequency-specific station identifications. I got this verified back in 2010, when it was still Radio Live. BTW, JOKD (NHK) is higher at 701.9994 kHz, so it is also easy to see the difference.
710.9943 13.10. 1324 TAB Trackside Radio, Wellington
720 13.10. 1400 Radio New Zealand, Invercargill
728.9987 13.10. 1244 Radio Sport, Whangarei
729 13.10. 1350 Radio New Zealand, Tokoroa
810.0000 13.10. 1228 BBC World Service, Auckland. The station airs local promotional announcements for the Auckland Radio Trust, which funds the operation. There are also sponsors' announcements, which in practise are just like commercial spots on any other nation. It was fun to listen to this without any interference by BBC Radio Scotland, normally one of the strongest stations on the dial!
810 13.10. 1400 + Radio New Zealand, Dunedin. At the top of the hour there was RNZ News read by Vicki McKay, host of the All Night Programme.
828 13.10. 1254 TAB Trackside Radio, Palmerston North
846 13.10. 1328 + Newstalk ZB, Masterton. The most common ZB stations were 1026, 1035 (1034.9977) and 1080 (1079.9998) AM, which were quite strong.
846 24.10. 0810 + Radio Kiribati, Kiritimati. This one is much more difficult to catch than the Tarawa transmitter on 1440 AM. In Aihkiniemi, an antenna pointing at 9 degrees is ideal for this, while 30 degrees works best for 1440 AM.
854.9986 13.10. 1330 Rhema, Hamilton. Rhema was best on its most common frequency of 1251 AM from Auckland. Even during this exceptionally good opening, no other Rhema stations were heard than these two.
873 13.10. 1319 TAB Trackside Radio, Tauranga
891 13.10. 1321 Magic, Wellington, with a local station ID at this time. Two years earlier I listened to this station while driving around Wellington, but it was even nicer to finally pick it up also in far-away in Finland.
927 13.10. 1330 Newstalk ZB, Palmerston North
954 13.10. 1316 TAB Trackside Radio, Hamilton
981 13.10. 1327 Radio New Zealand, Kaikohe
989.9991 13.10. 1340 TAB Trackside Radio, Nelson. Radio Apna seems to be lower on 989.9976 kHz.
999 13.10. 1329 Manawatu People's Radio, Palmerston North, relaying the BBC World Service at this time
1017 13.10. 1330,1350 Newstalk ZB, Christchurch
1062 13.10. 1231 + Radio Sport, Whanganui
1071 13.10. 1231 Radio New Zealand, Masterton
1071 13.10. 1313 + TAB Trackside Radio, Ashburton
1125 13.10. 1243 Radio Sport, Pakowhai, Napier-Hastings
1152 13.10. 1250 Newstalk ZB, Timaru
1160.9992 13.10. 1242 Te Upoko o Te Ika Radio, Wellington, with Maori language jingles. Adrian at the station even sent me a Finnish-language confirmation! At this time the station relayed Turanga FM programming.
1197 13.10. 1330 + Newstalk ZB, Whanganui
1206 13.10. 1316 + TAB Trackside Radio, Dunedin
1224 13.10. 1356 TAB Trackside Radio, Invercargill
1241.9975 13.10. 1229 1XX Whakatane needs to be reported once more, because they didn't reply to my report a year earlier
1260 13.10. 1302 + TAB Trackside Radio, Christchurch
1314 13.10. 1200,1232 Radio New Zealand, Gisborne
1314 13.10. 1332 Star, Invercargill. "Star! Isn't it great to hear songs that you can sing along to. Star!" - yes, indeed it is great!
1323 13.10. 1327 Coast, Hawera
1341 13.10. 1218,1350 Newstalk ZB, Nelson
1350 13.10. 1219 Radio Sport, Rotorua. Also the more common Radio Sport frequencies of 774, 792, 1089, 1332 (1332.0008) and 1503 AM were heard at times this afternoon, but are not listed in this log.
1358.9986 13.10. 1327 Coast, New Plymouth, couldn't have given a more fitting station ID: "The perfect night plan, love the music, Coast" with lots of familiar EZL and pop music.
1376.9995 13.10. 1314 Radio Sport, Levin, airing a bunch of station identifications, promotional announcements and commercial spots, many of which were just 15 seconds in duration. Fabulous reception quality! Other than these breaks (this one lasting 5 minutes 30 seconds), programming consists only of a relay of Fox Sports Radio from 10 p.m. to 5 a.m., which during NZ summer time is equal to 0900-1600 UTC.
1395 13.10. 1400 Newstalk ZB, Oamaru
1413 13.10. 1218 Newstalk ZB, Tokoroa
1449 13.10. 1200,1400 Radio New Zealand, Palmerston North
1458 13.10. 1400 Radio New Zealand, Westport
1475.9982 13.10. 1325 TAB Trackside Radio, Auckland
1521 13.10. 1216,1312 Radio Sport, Tauranga
1547.9986 13.10. 1316 TAB Trackside Radio, Rotorua
1584.0243 13.10. 1321 Radio Hauraki, Pakowhai, Napier-Hastings, is NZME's rock music station. The best ID was heard at this time. Better signal on the 30-degree antenna, which drops out much of the Japanese interference. Hauraki is on a distinct offset frequency, which makes it easy to recognize any NZ opening on Jaguar.
1593 13.10. 1327,1400 Coast, Christchurch
1602 13.10. 1302,1344 Radio Reading Service, Levin, relaying Radio New Zealand. Heard better with the 46-degree antenna. The feed was about 5 seconds behind when compared to RNZ frequencies.
 North America
 kHz: day.month. time UTC: station, comments:
540 19.10. 0500 KMLB Monroe LA, "This is Newstalk 105.7 and 540 KMLB"
550 19.10. 0733 KRAI Craig CO, "55 Country KRAI"
560 24.10. 1311 KVOK Kodiak AK, "98,7, AM 560, Kodiak's country station"
580 24.10. 1100 KIDO Nampa ID
600 21.10. 0500 WSNL Flint MI
620 24.10. 1043 KIGS Hanford CA
630 19.10. 0500 KYFI St. Louis MO, "KYFI St. Louis, an inspirational light shining in the dark"
630 20.10. 0552 WREY St. Paul MN, "El Rey, 94.9 FM"
690.0055 24.10. 1105 KRCO Prineville OR, // FM 96.9
700 19.10. 0752 CJLI Calgary AB, "Positive, uplifting, inspirational, this is AM 700 CJLI, The Light"
790 24.10. 1028 KSPD Boise ID, "Solid Talk AM 790 KSPD"
790 24.10. 1100 KFPT Clovis CA
800 20.10. 0801 KQCV Oklahoma City OK, Bott Radio Network
849.9916 24.10. 1000 KHHO Tacoma WA, "South Sound Talk 850 AM KHHO Tacoma"
960.0081 24.10. 0719 KALE Richland WA, "106-1 More FM"
990 24.10. 1030 KTMS Santa Barbara CA
1010 26.10. 0900 WPCN Stevens Point WI // 92.1 FM
1190 16.10. 0459 KDMR Kansas City MO, listing all of its stations, apparently all simulcasting the same Catholic programming
1190 26.10. 2258 WNWC Sun Prairie WI, "Faith 104.7 and AM 1190 WNWC Sun Prairie Madison"
1209.9961 20.10. 1002

KEVT Sahuarita AZ. The station used to relay KAVV-FM, whose manager Paul Lotsof verified my report. Lotsof recently got more publicity than he ever wanted. His PSA, which was seen as giving advice to paedophiles, resulted in a major uproar in the local, national and even international media.

1210 24.10. 1311 KHKR Washington UT
1220 25.10. 1216 KDOW Palo Alto CA, "Bay Area's business leader AM 1220 KDOW". Thanks to Chief Engineer Mike Russell for verifying my report!
1230 24.10. 1259 KSJK Talent OR, part of Jefferson Public Radio
1260 20.10.
WPNW Zeeland MI
1260 21.10. 1000 KLYC McMinnville OR
1290.0011 20.10.
tent. KAZA Gilroy CA, in Vietnamese, occasionally quite well
1299.9990 24.10. 0859 WLXG Lexington KY, "ESPN Sports Radio 1300 and 92-5. WLXG Lexington, an LM Communications broadcasting station"
1300 24.10. 1200 KPMO Mendocino CA
1310 20.10.
KMKY Oakland CA // 92.9 FM
1320 20.10. 0959 KOFA Yuma AZ, "Border Radio" gives detailed top-of-the-hour IDs, listing all its FM repeaters on the Arizona Community Radio Network
1370 24.10. 1059 KGEN Tulare CA, "La Ley"
1410.0065 24.10. 0900 KERI Bakersfield CA. In some station IDs, the call letters were pronounced as one word, "Keri". The exact frequency was drifting gradually upwards on the dial.
1430 20.10. 0900 + WYMC Mayfield KY // 93.9 FM
1440 17.10. 0800 KKXL Grand Forks ND, "The Fan is 1440 AM KKXL Grand Forks brought to you by Midco Sports Network, covering our region's sports action better than ever before, ... The Fan"
1450 24.10. 1000 KTRP Notus ID
1480 20.10. 0800 + KBXD Dallas TX
1490 20.10. 1000 KQTY Borger TX
1540 20.10. 0803 KEDA San Antonio TX
1580 20.10. 0759 KHGG Van Buren AR, "The Sports Hog KHGG 1580 AM and 101.1 FM ..."
1579.9947 20.10. 0936 KKTS Evansville WY
 Central America & Caribbean
 kHz: day.month. time UTC: station, comments:
540 20.10. 0734 XEHS Los Mochis SN, "La Mejor, 90.9"
1069.9976 20.10. 0814 XESP Guadalajara JL is an old acquintance, but noted here because I got the exact offset and because it has a new slogan, "Rock and Soul"
 South America
 kHz: day.month. time UTC: station, comments:
630 15.10. 0458 LW8 Radio San Salvador de Jujuy was about to close down
1069.9994 22.10. 0503 ZYI427 Rádio Industrial, Várzea Grande MT
1120 14.10. 0201 CW21 Radio Salto, Salto
1170 26.10. 0603 CX32 Radiomundo, Montevideo
1370.0286 15.10. 0532 OAU7L Radio Andina, Juliaca
1409.8417 14.10. 0456 Radio Corporación Wayra, Juliaca
1440 14.10. 0505 HJNZ Colmundo Radio, Medellín
Check out also the AIH88 DXpedition Report
Published on February 3, 2025 and updated later

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AIH88 DXpedition Report


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