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LEM132 DXpedition Log
November 15th - 22nd 1999

 kHz: day.month. time UTC: station, comments:
648 18.11.  0509 R Murski Val, Nemcavci
693 13.11. 1829 DW Moscow. Px in Russian.
810 19,21.11. 0415,2000 VOA Moscow. Switches from Russian to English at 0430
999 18.11. 2330 R Malta
1026 23.11. 0500 R Kragujevac, Kragujevac. Very weak, but still clear.
1044 19.11. 0710 R Svoboda (R Liberty), Moscow.
1107 16,21.11. 0305,1757 R Samara, Samara.
1107 19.11. 0456 AFN Bavaria
1116 15.11. 1900 Khristianskiy Kanal, Moscow
1188 23.11. *0455- Magyar R Györ signing on
1233 22.11. 1501 Narodnoye R, Moscow
1251 17,18.11. 1450,0320

GTRK Udmurtiya, Izhevsk. Outside local broadcast times this seems to transmit R Rossii and not Yunost as the WRTH says.

1251 22.11. 0455 Magyar R Nyiregyhaza started the morning local program.
1278 18.11. 0210 GTRK Udmurtiya, Balezino. Another Izhevsk fq // 594. Not RSY as in WRTH.
1584 17,23.11. 1738,0400 R Brezice. IDs also as "R Studio Brezice"
1584 often nights R Studio X, Momigno. Very strong the entire week. But of course watch out for RAI, which is even stronger.
1584 16.11.
Radiophonikos Stathmos Amaliadas, Amalias. A lot of ads and station identifications in Greek, English, French and at least two other languages. "This is Amaliadas, the Olympic(?) Radio Station of the Sacred (?) ...".
1584 20.11. 1610 R Ivano-Frankivsk, Ivano-Frankivsk
1600.74 19.11. 1540 ERA Kavalla. Local until 1600, but not every day.
1602 20.11. 1515 UNID, three IDs which sounded like "Biolni FM". Must be from Southern Europe, most likely from the Balkan countries. All possible help needed by Jim
1602 21.11. 2000 R Skopje. "Makedonsko R - R Skopje".
1701 20.11. 0115 QBX R, Komotini. The only Greek pirate that I was able to identify even though at least ten different stations were heard (Jim).
 kHz: day.month. time UTC: station, comments:
603 18.11. 1925 RNE5 Sevilla, Sevilla.
747 23.11. 0627 RNE5 Andalucia, Cádiz
774 16.11. 0555 RNE1 Extremadura, Cáceres. Worth mentioning only because this was the only one to take advantage of the 0555 UTC optional regional break. A pity, as this used to be the best time to ID RNE1 stations.
774 19.11. 1855 RNE1 Andalucia, Granada/La Linea. Identified luckily three seconds before Pais Vasco and Comunidad Valenciana, which dominated the frequency.
783 19.11. 0556 COPE Miramar, Barcelona
836 22.11. 0300 RdP Barrosa, Azores. Rel. nat. px, ID "Antena 1". Still on split.
837 18.11. 2259 COPE Burgos. Usually it is Sevilla, but this time we were lucky.
990 16,17,
2255,0550 SER R Bilbao.
1026 16,22.11. 0550,0620 SER R Vigo, Regional news bulletin "Hoy por hoy Galicia".
1026 18.11. 2254 SER R Jaén
1026 18.11. 2337 SER R Reus
1080 19,23.11. 2158,0550 SER R Huesca. Coruña dominates normally.
1098 23.11. 0626 RNE5 Lugo
1107 18,19.11. 1925 RNE5 Cantabria, Santander
1107 19.11. 2025 RNE5 La Rioja, Logroño
1125 17,23.11. 1725,0625 RNE5 País Vasco, Vitória. In the local px this identifies as "R 5, Todo Noticias, Alava", which was a bit confusing.
1125 23.11. 0625 RNE5 Castilla y León, Soria. Very weak, regional px.
1152 19.11. 0555 RNE5 Andalucia, Málaga. Unfortunately not local, just regional.
1152 19.11. 1825 RNE5 Albacete
1224 17.11.
2302 R Popular de San Sebastián
1224 17.11.
COPE Galicia, Lugo
1269 17.11.
COPE Zamora
1269 23.11. 0558 COPE Badajoz
1287 17.11. 2336 SER R Lleida beneath the following station
1287 17,23.11. 2336,0620 SER R Castilla, Burgos. "Burgos hoy por hoy".
1413 19.11. 1925 RNE5 Girona
1539 19.11. 2331 SER R Manresa
 kHz: day.month. time UTC: station, comments:
603 19.11. 1950 R Monastir, Sousse. Local.
621 19.11. 0645 RNE1 Canarias, Santa Cruz de Tenerife
684 19.11. 0516 ERTT Mednine // 630
711 19.11. 0503 ERTV Tanta. Not local, but Cairo-px.
747 16.11. 0159 KBC Ngong
1161 21.11. 1555 Mid-Delta R, Tanta. Local px, several IDs.
1296 16,19.11. 1631,0315 Sudan NBC, Reba
1502 19,20.11. 2319,2110 Emissora Provincial de Benguela, Benguela
5009.54 19.11. -1900* RTV Malagasy, Antananarivo
5035 19.11. 2045 Rdiff. TV Centrafricaine, Bangui
5985 19.11. 2059 RTV Nationale Congolaise, Brazzaville
 kHz: day.month. time UTC: station, comments:
279 16.11. 0110 Sverdlovskaya GTRK, Yekaterinburg
557.93 20.11. 1433 tent. Xinjiang PBS, didn't bother to ID
558 19.11. 1630 IRIB Gheslagh. Not local.
567 19.11. 0010 ORTAS Adra
576 17,19.11.
R Sultanate of Oman, Haima
576 18.11. 1503 Yunnan PBS, UNID QTH
612 16.11. 2358 JRTV Ajlun
612 17.11. 0000 Bahrain RTV
612 19.11. 0017 ORTAS, UNID QTH
621 17.11. 1600 TNBS Khon Kaen. Network px, // 1467 and 1530
621 17.11. 1740 AIR Patna
639 16.11. 0100 GTRK Irtysh, Omsk
684 18.11. 0026 AIR Kozhikode. Strong QRM by IRIB.
684 18.11. 0048 IRIB Mashhad. Observed on several nights, but local only this once
684 18.11. 1402 CRI Dongfang HAN in Vietnamese. I first thought that this was VOV, the news anchor sounded exactly the same as VOV which was audible on other frequencies.
729 15.11. 1555 AIR Guwahati
729 15.11. 2151 Jiangxi PBS, Nanchang
729 17,18.11. 1334 Voice of Vietnam, UNID QTH. ID "Dai Tieng Noi Viet Nam".
738 15.11. 2200 Hunan PBS, Changsha. Satellite Sce.
738 16.11. 1000 Jilin PBS, Changchun
738 20,21.11. 1300,1450 Xinjiang PBS
774 18.11. 1420 AIR Shimla. Often.
783 16.11. 1431 RTHK R 5, Hong Kong
783 18,22.11. 1352,1544 Voice of Vietnam
792 18.11. 1330 Guangxi PBS, Nanning. Satellite Sce.
819 22.11. 1108 Shanxi PBS, Taiyuan SX. QRM by a Korean, most probably KCBS Pyongyang.
828 16.11. 1422 Guangdong PBS, Heyuan GD
828 18.11. 1459 AIR Silchar
864 22.11. 1359 HLKR Kangnung
864 22.11. 1400 Hayastani Dzayn, Kamo. FS-px in Russian until 1430, then FS-px in Azeri.
873 16.11. 2226 AIR Jalandhar had an early opening
882 21.11. 1734 DWIZ Navotas
891 16.11. 1437 Ningxia PBS, Yinchuan
909 15.11. 1546 AIR Gorakhpur
909 19.11. 2349 Republic of Iraq R, Baghdad
918 19.11. 1800 CyBC Paphos
918 21.11. 0040 AIR Suratgarh is the most common Indian AM station
918 22.11. 2344 Shandong PBS, Yantai
945 18.11. 0300 BSKSA Hail. Corrected. First logged on fq 1251, which was a typo.
945 20,21.11. 2258,2300 Tor Or (Thahaan Akart), Minburi-Bangkok. ID as "Sathani withayu Thahaan Akart ... Minburi ... AM 945 ...". Unlisted in WRTH.
945 21.11. 0026 AIR Sambalpur
954 17.11. 1300 DZEM Quezon City
963 19.11. 1509 CyBC Nicosia
972 17.11. 2318 Henan Economic BS, Zhengzhou
981 18.11. 0057 BSKSA Madinah
1026 16.11. 1406 DZAR "Angel Radyo", Quezon City
1026 18.11. 1400 Guizhou PBS, Jianhe
1026 22.11. 1200 Beijing EBS, Beijing
1035 16.11. 1319 JOIC Toyama
1035 17.11. 1354 CNR. Often.
1044 16.11. 1505 Metro Plus, Hong Kong. "AM 1044".
1053 20.11. 0001 AIR Tuticorin. FS-px in Tamil.
1071 17.11. 1259 Baoji PBS, Baoji
1071 17.11. 1300 Tianjin EBS, Tianjin. ID was however Tianjin PBS.
1071 21.11. 1436 JOWM Obihiro, "STV"
1080 16.11. 1503 Shantou PBS News Network, Shantou GD, is the listed name, but ID simply "Shantou Tientai".
1080 16.11. 1509 DYBH Bacolod City, only relaying DZRH 666
1080 19.11. 0130 Turkmen R, Türkmenbas/Gusgy
1080 16,22.11. 0159,1508 R Pakistan, Lahore. Local px even when the other Pakistanis had national news.
1089 22.11. 1138 Liaoning PBS, Shenyang
1107 15.11. 1515 Xinjiang PBS, Urumqi
1116 16.11. 1333 JOAF Matsuyama etc., "RNB Nankai Hoso"
1160.9 16.11. 1458 DWCM Dagupan City. This has been previously logged as DWCM Metro Manila, but if I'm not hearing wrong, in the closing announcement they say they're broadcasting from Dagupan City. (Jim)
1179 17.11. 0040 AIR Rewa
1179 22.11. 1320 DYSB Bacolod City. "Super Radyo". Thanks to Dave Kenny for info on this one!
1179 22.11. 1500 Chutian BS, Wuhan, HB. ID in English at 1507. Promo for their website at www.chutianbs.com.cn. Thanks to Pentti Lintujärvi for finding out the exact URL!
1197 15.11. 1551 JOFO Kitakyushu, "RKB Mainichi Hoso"
1197 16,21.11. 1238,1434 JOWL Asahikawa, "STV"
1197 16.11. 1259 TENT. HBC (Hokkaido Hoso), UNID QTH. However, no HBC transmitters listed here. Who knows? Email Mika
1197 17.11. 1404 Jor Thor Lor (the abbreviation for Jangwat Thahaan Bok Lopburii - Lopburi Military District) - thanks to Alan
Davies for transliterating this one! Spots to Lopburi. Unlisted in WRTH.
1197 21.11. 2229 Qiqihar PBS, Qiqihar. CNR-px from 2230.
1233 15.11. 1642 Thahaan Akart, Don Muang-Bangkok. Station ID as "Sathani withayu Thahaan Akart thiinyng Dong Muang ... 1233 kHz ...". Thiinyng means 'the first' and 1233 is 'nyngpan-soongroi-saamsip-saam'.
1233 17.11. 0044 Xinjiang PBS, UNID QTH, unlisted
1242 17.11. 1527 Voice of Vietnam. The end of the English px at this time. A real powerhouse, also at other times.
1242 21.11. 1740 AIR Varanasi
1251 18.11. 1545 Tor Or (Thahaan Akart), Bangkok
1251 21.11. 0024 AIR Sangli. Strong QRM by IRIB.
1260 15.11. 2243 TNBS Chiang Rai. Replied fast from the address: Radio Thailand Chiengrai, Phaholyothin Road, Rimkok, Mueng Chiengrai 57100, Thailand. The verie signer was Mrs. Warangkana Oonbaan (jim).
1269 15.11. 1631 Mor Kor, Songkhla. Mentioned also the FM-frequency FM101. This station belongs to the Kasetsart University Radio Network (Mahavitthayalai Kasetsart means The Agricultural University). Their informative web pages can be found at http://kumis.cpc.ku.ac.th/~eto/kurn. Thanks to Håkan Sundman for this tip. There is also another station in Thailand on 1269 kHz (Kor Sor Tor Bor, Bangkok), but it has not yet been heard in Finland.
1269 16.11. 1230 JOHW/JOFM Obihiro/Esashi, "HBC Hokkaido Hoso"
1269 17.11. 1330 AIR Agartala
1278 20.11. 1142 Nanchang PBS, Nanchang
1295.95 22.11. 2153 UNID Philippino. Many announcements, no ID. Help welcome for Jim.
1296 19.11. 1701 IRIB, UNID QTH. Not local.
1332 17.11. 1313 RRI Jakarta, Metropolitan px. ID incl. frequencies.
1332 22.11. 1100 Henan PBS, UNID QTH
1332 22.11. 1146 UNID private Russian, joking with ID "Reklamnaya Volna", and techno music. But which one, Volna Baikala or R Russkaya Volna? Help welcome for Mika.
1350 17,21.11. 2227,2219 Jiangxi PBS
1359 15.11. 2030 IRIB, UNID QTH, unlisted. Not local px.
1359 16.11. 1319 JOCB Nagoya via Toyohashi/Nakatsugawa. Toyohashi does not use its assigned call letters (JOCZ), but only relays JOCB. Also Nakatsugawa relays JOCB, although it is located in Gifu-ken and not Aichi-ken like Nagoya. Thanks to Junichi Nishikawa for finding out the correct relays.
1359 16.11. 1319 JOQB Niigata via Takada
1359 20.11. *0028- AIR Bhadravathi started a bit later than the others
1368 16.11. 1255 JOJP Tsuruoka. NHK-1 regional from Sendai
1368 16.11. 1410 NHK-1 Hiroshima regional px (3 transmitters)
1395 16,21.11. 2317,2300 Nei Menggu PBS, UNID QTH. The WRTH lists regional px in Mongolian from an UNID location and Xilingol local px in Chinese from Xilinhot. However, this was regional px in Chinese.
1395 23.11. 0149 Rst. Echo Moskvy, Krasnoyarsk. Local px.
1395 23.11. 0200 Hayastani Dzayn, Yerevan. Strong, on top of Krasnoyarsk. ID sounds like "Yeteroi Hayestanii Avgaim Radio de". At 0206 identifications in about 10 languages.
1404 15.11. 2200 Hubei PBS, Jingzhou etc. According to the station, Jinzhou is the QTH of the 50-kW TX on this frequency, info missing in the WRTH. I have however heard this fq with an echo, indicating that there are at least two simulcasting transmitters.
1440 20.11. 2329 Guangxi PBS, UNID QTH. Satellite Sce.
1467 15,16.11. 2029,1319 JOJB Kanazawa via Nanao
1467 16.11. 1319 JONB Nagano
1467 16.11. 1500 HLKN Mokpo
1467 17,21.11. 1309,1500 Fujian Economic BS, Fuzhou
1467 19.11. 1905 BSKSA, UNID QTH. Unlisted.
1476.08 20.11. 1206 DXRJ "R Asenso sa Iligan", Iligan. This is NOT "R Ascencion", as listed somewhere.
1485 17.11. 1700 IRIB Abadeh/Sabzavar/Izeh. Not local.
1485 17,21.11. 0100,0059,
GTRK Region Tyumen, Gaz Sale. So not only R Rossii px as WRTH lists.
1485 18.11. 1704 R Suara Jakarta, Jakarta.
1485 19.11. 1334 ORTAS Homs.
1485 22,23.11. 2100,0100 JRTV Aqaba
1494 18.11. 1703 Or Sor Mor Tor, Bangkok. Station ID as "Sathaani withayu Or Sor Mor Tor, FM 100.5 MHz, AM 1494 kHz ...".
1494 20.11. 1135 Xinjiang PBS
1530 often often DZME Quezon City, incredibly strong signal
1530 16.11. 1347 JODO BSN Niigata Hoso, Joetsu
1548 17.11. 1209 DZSD Dagupan City. "Super Radyo". Thanks to Dave Kenny and Pentti Lintujärvi for solving the calls.
1593 21.11. 2302 Nung Por Nor, Buriram. Station identification as "Sathaani withayu Nung Por Nor, AM stereo 1593 (nyngpan-haaroi-kausip-sii) kHz Chang-wat Buriram."
1602 16.11. 1459 JOMC Miyazaki via Nobeoka/Nichinan
3976.05 20.11. 1232 RRI Pontianak
4960.08 16,21.11. *0023- AIR Ranchi. Eight local IDs in one hour.
6060 17.11. 0910-1000 Amurskoye R, Blagoveshchensk. Local px at this time, relay R Rossii at other times.
 kHz: day.month. time UTC: station, comments:
1161 16.11. 1514 5PA Naracoorte. Unfortunately not local as it was their midnight.
 North America
 kHz: day.month. time UTC: station, comments:
630 23.11. 0728 KIAM Nenana AK
790 17.11. 0654 CFNW Port au Choix NF. rCFCB 570.
950 16.11. 0730 WWJ Detroit MI
1010 16.11. 0701 CKXD Gander NF
1050 22.11. 0925 CICF Vernon BC, "Mix 105"
1230 23.11. 0650 KMUZ Gresham OR, no ID, just slogan "R Fiesta"
1240 22.11. 0800 KMHI Mountain Home ID
1240 22.11. 1237 KFBC Cheyenne WY
1240 23.11. 0705 KWIK Pocatello ID
1240 23.11. 0842 CJNS Meadow Lake SK // CJNB 1050
1240 23.11. 0800 KODY North Platte NE
1250 22.11. 0705 WEAE Pittsburgh PA, ID as "ESPN R 1250"
1280 22.11. 0844 KDYL Salt Lake City UT
1310 22.11. 2333 WYUR Dearborn MI, tel. 248-645-WUYR
1340 22.11. 0803 CJCM Cold Lake AB
1340 22.11. 1259 KWOR Worland WY
1360 23.11. 0530 KKBJ Bemidji MN
1380 16.11. 0251 CKPC Brantford ON
1390 22.11. 0906 KLGN Logan UT
1400 15.11. 1359 KVTO Berkeley CA. Still with this call, not KTNF as listed in KOJE.
1400 22.11. 0800 CKSQ Stettler AB
1400 22,23.11. 0800,0900 KART Jerome ID
1420 22.11. 2245 WVJS Owensboro KY
1420 23.11. 0845 KITI Chehalis WA
1450 22.11. 0059 CFAB Windsor NS, "AVR"
1450 22.11. 0136 CHUC Cobourg ON
1480 21.11. 0728 KGOE Eureka CA, r810 KGO
1480 22.11. 0748,0830 KRXR Gooding ID, "Fiesta Mexicana", a 24-hour station in Spanish
1490 22.11. 0749 KCID Caldwell ID. "The Country Network", // KSRV Ontario OR 1380. Discovering the identity was an interesting history; I had only heard them give a promo for local weather with phone number 889-2456. Nick Hall-Patch found out on http://www.anywho.com that the number belonged to KSRV 1380. I then remembered that my KCID verification from earlier this year stated that they shared the same CE with KSRV, Mr.
Dale Jeffries. An inquiry to him by e-mail, and he told that KCID and KSRV now share the same programming (Mika).
1490 22,23.11. 0906 KUGR Green River WY. At exactly the same time on both days. In a quick e-mail reply they mentioned having a website at http://www.kugr.net
1620 22.11. 0559 KAZP Bellevue NE, "ESPN 1620"
1620 22.11. 0655 KSMH Auburn CA, only "EWTN Global Catholic Radio", no call-ID
1630 23.11. 0712 KCJJ Iowa City IA. The strongest X-band station, heard often.
1640 22.11. 0652 KDIA Vallejo CA
1650 22.11. 0018 WHKT Portsmouth VA, "The Big Cat", SPO-format
1650 22.11. 0605 KDNZ Cedar Falls IA, "The Talk station"
1650 23.11. 0608 KGIL Torrance CA, r1260 KGIL
1660 22.11. 0533 WWRU Elizabeth NJ, "R Unica"
1680 20,22.11. 0600,0049 WTTM Princeton NJ, call-letter ID and "ESPN Radio 1680"
1700 22.11. 0600 KQXX Brownsville TX. No calls. FM 105.5 and 106.3 mentioned.
 Central America & Caribbean
 kHz: day.month. time UTC: station, comments:
1590 16.11. 0615 XEVOZ Cd. México DF, "Bonita 1590"
 South America
 kHz: day.month. time UTC: station, comments:
760 18.11. 0408 tent. R Record, Fortaleza CE, with "Igreja Universal do Reino de Deus" programming
890 17.11. 0617 R Tamandaré, Recife PE
930 15.11. 2352 R Metropolitana, Fortaleza CE
950 18.11. 0353 R Atalaia AM, Belo Horizonte MG
960 18.11. 0617 R São Paulo, São Paulo, SP. With "Igreja Universal do Reino de Deus" rogramming. Promoted a gathering in "Catedral da Fe, Avenida João Dias 1900, Santo Amaro". No ID, but identity this according to Rudolf Grimm from São Paulo - thanks for
solving this one!
970 16.11. 0629 R Universal, Montevideo
970 16.11. 0545 R Pampa, Porto Alegre, ex-R Caiçara
1110 16.11. 0633 R Municipal, Buenos Aires
1140 20.11. 0546 UNID Brazilian simulcasting with R America, SP 1410. Perhaps "Rede Paulus Sat" programming. Help needed by Mika.
1240 16.11. 0730 R Nacional de Venezuela, Punta Tumatey
1270 17.11. 0613 R Capital, Curitiba PR
1320 17.11. 0513 R Apolo, Turmero
1470 23.11. 0221 R Vibración, Carúpano, with Unión R programming
1600 17.11. 0535 R 9 de Julho, São Paulo SP
1620 20.11. 0530 R Tropicana, Buenos Aires, ex-R Esmeralda
3309.98 17.11. 2300 R Mosoj Chaski, Cochabamba
3375.03 17.11. 2354 R Dourados, Dourados MS
4796.48 17.11. 2325 R Mallku, Uyuni

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