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QSL gallery of Mika Mäkeläinen

Samples of my QSL collection in .jpg and .gif format image files.
Click the station name to view the QSL.

  1570 CFOR
  1570 CHUB
  1570 CISV
  1570 CKLM
  1570 CKTA
  1580 CBJ

  1570 WBEE
  1570 WFLR
  1570 WIFF
  1570 WPGM
  1570 WQTW
  1570 WRJQ
  1570 WTLK
  1570 WXLN
  1580 KDOM
  1580 KNIM
  1580 KOKB (page 1)
  1580 KOKB (page 2)
  1580 WCNB

  1050 XEG
  1060 XEEP
  1110 XERED
  1180 XEFR & 1590 XEVOZ
  1270 XERRT
  1570 XERF (card)
  1570 XERF (letter)

  1470 Cadena Peruana de Noticias
  1500 R Santa Rosa
  4855 R La Hora (card)
  4855 R La Hora (letter)
  5039 R Libertad de Junin
  6010 R America
  6095 R Nacional
  6173 R Tawantinsuyo (in)
  6173 R Tawantinsuyo (out)

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