Guarujá Paulista from Brazil on shortwave
A new Brazilian radio station
has been heard on shortwave. Rádio Guarujá
Paulista from Guarujá in the state of São
Paulo is broadcasting on 3235 (ZYG860) and 5045
kHz (ZYG850). Already earlier the station had been
broadcasting 24 hours a day on 1550 kHz mediumwave
with call letters ZYK590. Long ago the 60-meter-band
frequency was used by Rádio Difusora from
Presidente Prudente, where the transmitter of Rádio
Guarujá is located. As reported on Radioescutas,
on August 22 Rádio Guarujá station
manager Orivaldo Rampazzo contacted DX Clube do
Brasil coordinator Caio Fernandes Lopes to inform
that the station is on the air. The station reportedly
has two mailing addresses: Rua Montenegro 196, Conj.
01, Vila Maia, 11410-040 Guarujá, São
Paulo, Brazil, and Rua José vaz Porto, 175,
also in Guarujá. A station
identification recorded by Nicolás Eramo
in Argentina can be heard in the DXing.info audio
August 31, 2003, updated on September 10)
Music Radio to start on shortwave from Denmark
Music Radio (WMR) will return on shortwave from
a transmitter site in Denmark. "After several
months of waiting, we have today received the license
to commence broadcasting on two different shortwave
frequencies from the authorities here in Denmark,"
says Stig Hartvig Nielsen, manager of Hartvig Media.
Low-power test transmissions can be expected soon
on 5815 and 15810 kHz. The power is 400 watts and
the transmitter site is near Karup in Central Jutland,
Denmark. WMR is planning to begin regular transmissions
within a few months, probably late November. The
station is planning to be on the air 24 hours a
day with a blend of current chart music, oldies
from the 1970s, 1980s and 1990s
as well as popular tunes from countries all over
the world. WMR programs will also be available via
the Internet and perhaps on FM, mediumwave as well
as satellite. Reception reports are welcomed and
will be acknowledged by a QSL-card. The address
of WMR remains: WMR, PO Box 112, DK-8900 Randers,
August 22, 2003)
Tacana from Bolivia new on 4781 kHz shortwave
A new Bolivian station has
been on heard widely since August 19. Radio Tacana,
located in Población de Tumupasa, Provincia
Iturralde, Departamento de La Paz, is broadcasting
on 4781v kHz (officially on 4780 kHz) in the 60
meter band shortwave. According to an announcement
heard by Rogildo Fontenelle Aragão in Bolivia,
the station broadcasts at 1000-1700 UTC during the
local morning hours and 2100-2200 UTC in the evening.
Björn Malm in Ecuador presumably heard the
station testing already on July 1, but it has been
heard elsewhere only after August 19. Rogildo F.
Aragão was the first to publicly identify
the station. The station is part of Consejo Indígena
del Pueblo Tacana (CIPTA), an organization of the
Tacana indians. Reception reports may ben addressed
to Mr. Robert Cartagena or Celin Quenevo. A sample
identification can be heard in the DXing.info
audio archive.
August 21, 2003, updated Sept. 4)
rebels turn to shortwave
Zapatista rebels have begun radio broadcasts on
shortwave, according to a report run by the Associated
Press. The station was reportedly heard in San Cristóbal
de Las Casas, Mexico, with a weak signal on August
9 on about 5800 kHz. The start of the shortwave
transmissions was first announced in a communique
published by local newspapers on July 30, quoting
rebel spokesman Subcomandante Marcos. The Zapatista
National Liberation Army (EZLN) has previously operated
a clandestine station on FM. The new shortwave service
called Radio Insurgente hit the airwaves during
a high-profile Zapatista gathering in the town of
Oventic, the largest meeting of rebel supporters
since a march to Mexico City in 2001. The Zapatistas,
named after 20th century Mexican revolutionary Emiliano
Zapata, control dozens of impoverished Indian villages
in the jungles and mountains of southern Mexico.
According to
subsequent information, the station has not been
reported heard by any DXers and has presumably not
even been on the air.
August 19, 2003, updated on September 11)
Aboriginals set up a shortwave station on 5050 kHz
A low-power radio station
serving the Yolngu Aboriginal people of
north-east Arnhem Land in Australia began broadcasting
on August 1. Called the Community Development Radio
Service (CDRS), the station is run by ARDS, Aboriginal
Resource and Development Services Inc. The station
is currently broadcasting with a power of 400 watts
on 5050 kHz from a transmitter in Humpty Doo, near
Darwin. It is the first informational and educational
radio service to broadcast entirely in Yolngu Matha,
the language of some 7,000 people in the target
area. ARDS is also licensed for mediumwave broadcasting,
using off-band channels under the category of Narrowband
Broadcasting Station, in the Northern Territory,
with 400 watts on 1611 kHz (VKD883 Milingimbi),
1611 kHz (VKD884 Groote Eyland), 1620 kHz (VKD885
Galiwin Ku, Elcho Island) and 1629 kHz (VKD886 Gapuwiyak).
Reception reports are welcome and can be sent to
Manager Dale Chesson by email
or by mail to ARDS, Box 1671, Nhulunbuy, NT 0881,
August 19, 2003)
Korean clandestine ends transmissions
The Voice of National Salvation
has ended transmissions to South Korea. The last
transmission, monitored by Toshi Ohtake in Japan,
ended at 0:05 local time on August 1. The station
aired a daily dose of North Korean reunification
propaganda for 11.5 hours in Korean and 30 minutes
in English. The station, monitored by the BBC Monitoring
Service, referred to "a new chapter of reconciliation
and unity" that has opened between the North
and the South as reason for ending the broadcasts.
Despite the sudden goodwill gesture, South Korean
shortwave transmissions beamed to North Korea have
August 19, 2003)
The purpose of the radio news section
is to inform about new mediumwave (AM) and shortwave
broadcasting stations worldwide. Other news are
published only on major international broadcasters
or issues very relevant to DXers. New programs and
schedules are not covered.
The news are edited by Mika
Mäkeläinen. Extracts from news items
may be quoted if the website http://www.DXing.info
is mentioned as source. See terms
of use for details.