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Radio News in May 2002

Strike over at Radio Canada International

RCI logo
The labor dispute which disrupted the broadcasts of Radio Canada International since March 22nd has finally been settled. RCI news bulletins came back on the air on May 25th and other programming will gradually return on the airwaves.
(DXing.info May 26th, 2002)

Bartolina Sisa Radio from Bolivia on 6883 kHz

Bartolina Sisa Radio from La Paz Bolivia has been heard on 6883 kHz by Samuel Cássio in Brazil on May 23rd around 1000 UTC with Christian programming in Aymara. The same frequency was used last year by Radio Impacto Cristiano in La Paz. A station identification is in the audio section.
(DXing.info May 26th 2002)

CPN from Peru heard on 6150.4 kHz for two months

CPN logo
Peruvian news station CPN, short for Cadena Peruana de Noticias, made a two-month visit on the new frequency of 6150.4 kHz, logged by Kenneth Olofsson and Björn Malm. The station is ex-Radio Concordia from Arequipa, which used to operate on 6141 kHz. See also profile article of CPN.
On July 14th Gert Nilsson observed that the station had returned back to 6141 kHz.
(DXing.info May 19, 2002, updated July 14, 2002)

New French station IdFM - Radio Enghien on 1071 and 1584 kHz

IdFM - Radio Enghien near Paris, France has just been given a temporary authorization to broadcast on mediumwave on two frequencies in the area of Verdun. This temporary license is valid from May 1st to August 31st 2002 on the frequencies of 1071 and 1584 on the site of Douamont - Verdun with a power of 50 watts. The station has not yet been reported by DXers, so presumably it is not yet on the air. The station website gives no indication of the AM frequencies. IdFM has been operating on FM 98.0 MHz since 1983. Contact info: 46 Avenue de Ceinture, 95880 Enghien-les-Bains, France. Email: idfm@fr.fm, tel. 01-39-64-20-49.

(May 16, 2002, sources: BDXC-UK via Paul Bowery via JMS and DXing.info)

Radio Baluarte new from Argentina on 6215 kHz

A new Argentine station called Radio Baluarte from Puerto Iguazu, Provincia de Misiones, has been observed on 6215 kHz with programming in Spanish, Portuguese and Guaraní. Other frequencies announced as 101.7 FM (identifying as Cultura FM in Spanish and Futuro in Portuguese programming) and 1610 AM (Maranatha AM). Mailing address: Radio Baluarte, Casilla de Correo 45, 3370 Puerto Iguazú, Provincia de Misiones, Argentina. Street address: Hipolito Yrigoyen esquina Andresito, 3370 Puerto Iguazú, Provincia de Misiones, Argentina. Centro Evangelización Camino Nuevo has the address: Obispo Angelelli y Maria del Iguazu, 3370 Puerto Iguazú, tel. 54-3757-422713. Station director, Pastor Hugo Heidenger verifies reception reports with a QSL card (see above), a separate A4 size certificate and travel brochures. A copy of the first email QSL, and a sample station identification are in the audio section.
(DXing.info May 11, 2002, updated July 14, 2002)

Radio UNAMSIL from Sierra Leone heard finally on 6137.8 kHz

The United Nations Mission in Sierra Leone (UNAMSIL) has had a shortwave station in operation on 6140 kHz since 2000, but it wasn't logged in the international DX press before April 2002. Ralph Brandi from New Jersey U.S.A. was the first to log the station on 6137.84 kHz on April 20th 2002 at 0635 UTC. There is a profile article on the station on this website. The 1 kW transmitter has since been logged several times also around 23-02 UTC, but seems to be an easier catch in North America than in Northern Europe.
(DXing.info May 4, 2002, updated July 4th 2002)

Radio CNM new Romanian on 1602 kHz

A new Romanian station was observed in March on 1602 kHz by several Scandinavian DXers, but its identity remained a mystery for weeks. Finally Mauno Ritola from Finland was able to discover that Radio CNM from Arad has begun broadcasting.
(DXing.info May 4, 2002)

Radio Oriente enters cyberspace on DXing.info

Peruvian stations are notoriously difficult to get verified. Until recently Radio Oriente from Yurimaguas was one of those stations - but not any more. Radio Oriente has taken a leap from selva to cyberspace. The station can now be reached by email and has a brand new website - hosted by DXing.info. (DXing.info May 1, 2002)
To Radio Oriente website

Radio Manantial new from Peru on 5387.7 kHz

Spring is prime hunting season for off-band Peruvians; the latest new station being Radio Manantial from Otuzco, Departamento La Libertad, with Christian programming. The station has been heard on 5387.7v kHz in the evenings before sign-off at 0100 UTC. Announcing frequency as 5910 kHz, with sign-on around 1000-1100 UTC. First reported in SWB by Björn Malm in Ecuador. (DXing.info May 2, 2002)

New clandestine to Nigeria

Jakada Radio International began transmissions to Nigeria on May 1st. The station is run by former Nigerian ambassador to Spain, Yaro Yusufu Mamman. For the moment the station is on the air on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays at 1900-1930 UTC on 12125 kHz via an unknown transmitter site. The station has been heard in Europe and the Americas with a strong signal. A sample station identification is in the audio section.

(DXing.info May 1, 2002)

The purpose of the radio news section is to inform about new mediumwave (AM) and shortwave broadcasting stations worldwide. Other news are published only on major international broadcasters or issues very relevant to DXers. New programs and schedules are not covered.

The news are edited by Mika Mäkeläinen. Extracts from news items may be quoted if the website http://www.DXing.info is mentioned as source. See terms of use for details.

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