by Paul
Waianakarua - (pronounced "Wai-anaka-rua"),
is a Maori word meaning "Between Two Rivers"
and refers to the area in general. If you can find
a map of Oamaru (which is approximately 100km North
along the coast from Dunedin), Waianakarua is 20km
south of Oamaru, and our cabin is 5km south of the
township of Herbert and 7km inland. You reach it
by travelling along Breakneck Road (nothing like
as treacherous as it sounds!) and then turning left
at the T-intersection down Reid's Rd almost until
you run out of road... then it's 300 metres up a
track into a paddock.

Our cabin is 5 km south
of the township of Herbert and 7 km inland. |
The area is a basin, surrounded
on all sides by hills and cliffs and rather contradictory
to the idea that being close to the sea is best
for DX. There is a steep bank running right above
the South side of the property, not too far from
the cabin, which has a pronounced attenuating effect
on stations from the city of Dunedin, only 90 km
to the South. The north branch of the Waianakarua
River defines the boundary of the area as it snakes
it's way between high banks and cliffs, with the
paddock sitting above and sloping eastwards towards
a very high cliff. There is a lot of native trees
and plants and plenty of bird-life, fantails, bell-birds
and the odd tui. There are very few fish in the
river, only ever seen one trout and one eel though
there are several flounder. There is a significant
number of 'pests', namely rabbits and opossums plus
a few ferrets and feral cats, though no dangerous
insects, snakes or other nasties save for the occasional
sand-fly, which although considerably smaller than
a mosquito, delivers an unpleasant bite.
The Project
Back in 1981, my mother's cousin
asked us if we'd like a bit of land to build a cabin
on. My father was a builder and worked in a factory
pre-cutting anything from patio furniture right
up to houses. Off we went for an inspection of the
area, looking for suitable sites. The land was part
of a farm that had proved only fit for grazing sheep
on, being covered in tussock and undulating, split
from the rest of the farm by a steep bank to the
South about 40 metres high. The best feature was
it's proximity to the Waianakarua River and some
good swimming holes. The area we had to chose from
was divided by a muddy creek that often became stagnant
and we realised we could never rely on it for a
supply of drinking water. Nevertheless, a rise next
to the creek surrounded on 2 sides by native bush
provided ample room for the cabin and a fenced yard
to keep out the sheep etc. I was alert to the possible
potential of the area for DXing, considering that
the nearest neighbour was a kilometre or more away...
though the 110kV power-liners in the adjacent paddock
about 300 metres from the site we had chosen did
cause a bit of concern... more about them later...

Aerial view: Vertical
aspect due North. Cabin denoted by red square
So, back to the pre-cut factory,
working evenings and weekends to produce a pre-assembled
cabin. My father is one of those clever types who
can produce an intricate plan in his head, and the
cabin was no challenge. Unfortunately, his aptitude
for working with wood didn't filter down through
the gene-pool to me! I was able to offer expertise
in the wiring department, being a registered electrician
and brother Wayne, a sheet-metal worker, was very
handy to have around too. We all pitched in including
brother Steve, with my mother, sister Sharon and
my fiancée Linda providing sustenance and
the finishing touches.

Waianakarua from the South-West
The cabin is some distance from
the nearest power supply, the 110kV lines were part
of the national grid. So a 12-volt set-up was the
only option... this meant a few less creature-comforts
but a very rustic life-style. The battery is a deep-cycle
type (after throwing out countless standard car,
truck and even bulldozer lead-acid varieties) and
trickle-charged by a 22-watt solar panel. There
is also a petrol-generator set using a Villiers
pump motor, car generator & regulator. Water
is rain-derived, taken from the guttering and stored
in large tanks. We have a gas refrigerator and gas
cook-top with a griller. There is a multi-purpose
small wood-burning stove which provides heat and
cooking as well as an LPG gas heater, kindly donated
by the North Otago Branch of the NZRDXL. There is
also a solar water-heater panel but it's very rudimentary
and only works when there's plenty of sunlight...
back to the drawing-board on that one! A cell-phone
has supersceded a CB set for communications and
the lack of a lap-top is could possibly be rectified
in the future.
has until recently been a concern. The 12-volt incandescent
standard lamps were 60 watts - any lower power produced
a poor lux level, though they drew 5 amps and were
a drain on the limited battery resources. Gas lamps
were noisy though certainly bright enough and flourescents
created a lot of QRM. I even used candles on occasion
but with the advent of 12 volt halogen lighting,
I can get ample light from just 20 watts and can
highly recommend them for any portable operation
Early DX
There was an opportunity to test
the area's DX-potential one weekend. I took my Kenwood
R-1000 mobile and hooked up a nearby fence as an
aerial... the results were rather disappointing
and I wasn't holding out too much hopes of the site
proving good DX-material.
the cabin went smoothly with the exception of when
it came to digging holes for piles, fence posts
etc as the ground was very stony. All was finished
in time for Easter of 1982 and my parents were the
first to stay there. I had booked in for May, a
month before Linda and I were married. My plan was
for a long weekend of three nights, taking the Friday
off work and for plenty of SW DX, after all, the
first test had shown MW to be bad and SW a little
better. Undaunted, I decided that a Beverage aerial
was still worth erecting so it was to be my main
aerial. I arrived late morning and proceeded to
run out a wire down in the area my compass told
me was Lima (allowing for magnetic corrections).
The wire was 350 metres long and averaged 1.2 metres
I finished putting it up and
then went back to the cabin, set up my receiver,
tape-recorder etc then tuned into the 60mb.. hmmm...
Latin signals everywhere. I tuned around for 20
minutes or so, pleased with the number and strength
of the signals before dropping down to 90 metres,
quite a few Latins there too... so around 0300 I
tuned into MW... first frequency tried was 1580,
signs of VOA in English, a few strong Latins nearby...
too strong I thought... curses! my Kenwood R-1000
was over-loading and producing SW spurries! Then
an id or two and things clicked into place... spurries
- rubbish! VOA 1580 was from Antigua! So followed
three nights of tuning from one channel to another,
continually being very surprised and amazed... mostly
Colombians though plenty from elsewhere too. I had
no idea this was going to happen and logged 30 stations
over the 3 nights. On the Saturday, veteran local
DXer Peter Grenfell turned up only to be confronted
with the same scenario... stations everywhere...
I don't think Peter logged a single station that
night, he was a little over-whelmed with the number
and strength of signals too...
I discovered that those power-lines weren't going
to be too much of a problem for MW anyway. On a
damp, drizzly night you could discern a background
buzz, however on SW the noise would totally wreck
reception of anything but the strongest stations.
On one occasion, they had been creating considerable
noise for a couple of days and the next day was
the R St Helena broadcast. In desperation we went
to the very opposite end of the paddock, close to
a kilometre away and threw an aerial up into the
trees... and they were still creating havoc! Next
day's reception of St Helena was subsequently spoilt
though I'm happy to report better reception in later
years. And I was very pleased when I heard that
the power-lines would be dismantled as the cost
of upgrading them was prohibitive with other lines
many kilometres away being reconfigured to take
the load. So since 1995, SW has not been plagued
by that dreaded buzz!
Aerials, aerials
and more aerials
Plans for extra Beverages in
different directions were advanced, thankfully some
were permanent thanks to handy trees and bush, the
first Latin aerial passed over tracks and grazing
land so to this day, it has remained temporary.
In September 1983, the first North American aerial
was strung across trees and a corner of the adjacent
paddock, across the Waianakarua River, over a real
rough peice of ground covered with all sorts of
nasty prickly plants like briar, black-berry, bush-lawyer
& gorse. The bearing is about 75 degrees which
made it ideal for Mexicans and the East-Coasters,
particularly Florida. Mark Nicholls was visiting
and I'm not sure if he would have come known the
amount of sweat and blood he would have exuded putting
up the aerial! It remains till the day and has a
second aerial alongside.. every now and then, one
or the other comes down and it's back to that cursed
bit of land with a slasher and gorse knife to get
the aerials up again.

From the East. Looking
from the cliff above the Latin aerials back
up the
paddock to the cabin. |
Alaskan stations have always
been an attraction and I needed an aerial in their
general direction. Firstly, I could only muster
165 metres first constructed in 1985. This produced
a few of the stronger stations like KNOM 780, KFQD
750 & KYAK 650 but I needed something a bit
longer. On an angle of about 20 degrees from the
cabin, there is a couple of gullies within 40 metres,
easy to overcome with my 4 metre surf-caster fishing
rod, then a 150 metres of over-grown gulch running
about parallel with the intended wire direction,
also covered with the aforementioned plants. A bit
of aerial 'fishing', sweat and effort produced an
aerial approximating 250 metres, the rewards for
which were some lower-powered Alaskans and plenty
of Hawaiians.
Next up was a wire aimed at the
West Coast of the USA, and a bearing of 50 degrees.
This wire crossed trees and the adjacent paddock
and a bit more fishing took it over the corner of
totally impenetrable scrub-land absolutely covered
in gorse... an army patrol could be lost in there
for days! Then across the Waianakarua River into
some willow trees to a termination and earth-stake.
This wire had never been very successful, even when
I added another 100 metres in the reverse direction.
Terminating the opposite end has since given me
an aerial which is effective for Middle-East and
European signals coming on a near-polar route before
I really needed a permanent Latin
aerial so the placement of trees etc was looked
at. The Waianakarua River ran in roughly the right
direction so Mark Nicholls and Bryan Clark were
"volunteered" into erecting a 600 metre
aerial which ran down the Southern side of the aerial,
travelling for a great part over trees, dropping
down to a river flat, across more impenetrable scrub.
At the Latin end of this aerial was a cliff of about
40 metres, so we walked the wire straight down the
middle of the river for about the last two thirds
of it's length, then climbed the cliff, fished the
end of the wire up to the top of the cliff and strained
the wire as much as possible, dragging it across
to the South over the river-flat.. Then the "volunteers"
would go into the scrub as far as possible, poking
the wire above the bush and the strain was adjusted
as the wire straightened. This task took all day
so it was with some anguish that we discovered it
wasn't working too well! The temporary aerial ran
rings around it... after all that effort we weren't
about to rip it out so it was left in place. I thought
it may be too close to the 40 metre cliff at the
end so after 12 months and then Mother Nature forced
my hand... a flood ripped out 200 metres of the
wire... so I replaced it... then a small scrub-fire
incinerated it... so I changed tack and ran it along
the top of the paddock in trees... it was about
425 metres in total.. would it be any good? Yes!!
Have made some exceptionally good logs on it since.
It still isn't as good as the temporary 475 metre
wire which is dead straight, but it ain't too far
away from it.

Mark Nicholls & I
after dragging the wire down the river. |
One of the difficulties in getting
into the paddock where the cabin was, is that when
it rained a lot of water congregated in a natural
channel where the road/track was. The muddy creek
would break it's bank up from the cabin and a new
creek would appear very quickly... I nearly got
bogged several times so a new approach to the cabin
was needed. This ran alongside a fence... with tanalised
wooden posts and Number 8 wire. It's potential as
an aerial was quickly utilised though it did need
a short temporary section from where the fence stopped
40 metres short of the cabin. It is on a bearing
of 355 degrees and is very good for Pacific, Japanese
and Korean stations... unfortunately for New Zealanders
too... the majority of which are North of Waianakarua...
still, it's been a valuable aerial and has produced
a number of Japanese stations even some peaking
over co-channel New Zealanders. One point of interest,
the top wire which is used as the aerial, is fastened
to the tanalised (a chemical treatment to ensure
long-life in timbers buried in the ground) posts
by metal staples. Andy Gardner suggested on one
of his visits that the chemicals in the posts may
cause some conductance to ground... a quick check
with the multi-meter revealed he was correct so
we fashioned some insulation from coax cable to
isolate the wire from the timber and succeeded in
substantially lowering the overall resistance of
the aerial.
I used to have 4 x 45 metre dipoles
as a concession to SW only I found that the Beverages
worked better. As a result they are no longer, well
I should say that they are 'longer', as I have converted
them. One, now an aerial intended for the Caribbean
and Central America which crosses the Waianakarua
River to the top of a cliff of around 30 metres.
It was only 170 metres so I wasn't holding out much
hope for it... and it proved rather ineffectual.
I decided to experiment with adding another 100
metres off the receiver end and it proved much more
useful... so much so that I logged both the 60-watt
Dallas-Fort Worth TIS stations on it! Two of the
others became the basis for a new aerial which was
fed roughly mid-point and bearing 65 degrees, for
a total length of 230 metres. This aerial also proved
useful and whilst not up to the standard of the
two 75 degree 300 metre aerials, was a good alternative
if I was pushed for aerial selection. In March of
this year, the back-lobe section was removed and
another section added to the 'front' to take it
out to 250 metres.. all pointing in the forward
direction towards the USA and it's value has increased.
At this point, that summarises the aerial selection
though I should also note that the 10 metre vertical
mast which holds the TV aerial is also an aerial
though rather sporadically used. I have12 sockets
on my aerial board, two of which are unused.. though
I have plans for the other two...
The receivers
Over the years there have been
many different brands of receiver adorning the tables
at Waianakarua. I started with a Kenwood R-1000
and soon modified it by removing an attenutation
section and adding a Radio West 1.9kHz filter. It
stood up well against the Sony ICF-6800W and even
the Icom ICR-70, and ran rings around the various
Yaesu & Lowe receivers. In 1985 I swapped the
R-1000 for a Drake SPR-4 and have been using the
same set ever since. When you're running on battery,
any set that draws an amp or more places a fair
amount of stress on the battery supply and the relatively
high minimum operating voltage of some sets was
also a problem as the batteries output voltage started
to drop - the SPR-4 draws very little and still
percolates well down below 9 volts! The Drake R-8
draws an amp when it's switched off(!) and 2 amps
when it's running, so fine set that it may be, it
needed a set of batteries of its own and at least
one good top-up over a week. The R-5000 recievers
impress too, running around an amp and also with
improved MW performance when modified. The ICR-71
and NRD-535 are great sets too... but I was still
left wondering what I would do if the trusty SPR-4
expired, short of buying another one... until Bryan
Clark arrived with his AOR 7030+... a superb little
machine that looked inocuous yet delivered substantial
signals in a wide number of situations, so much
so that an AOR 7030+ would be the top of my receiver
shopping list.

Just as well it wasn't
Drake hunting season... |
A word about coax and baluns
etc... for may years my Beverages at Waianakarua
were fed by open wires, I fashioned some rude aerial
switches using bolts and alligator clips... the
biggest draw-back was interaction between receivers
using both the same and different aerials. Suddenly
you'd lose a station because someone else had connected
to a different aerial of changed from MW to SW etc...
bit of a pain but heck, we never came to blows over
it. My answer to that problem was to put up another
aerial hence there are now four aimed at the USA,
one at Central America/Caribbean and two for South
America. Generally I can accommodate three DXers
without too many aerial-sharing hassles though splitters
are under consideration.
I read about baluns and built
a few using toroidal cores from a New Zealand firm...
they weren't to the specification I wanted and ended
up performing poorly, so it was back to open wires!
Then I read about Shawn Axelrod & John Bryant's
success so decided to follow their pattern methodically
and imported some balun cores from Amidon in California.
This brought great results... no more interaction,
tighter aerial patterns and better signal transfer
I'm sure. The baluns are fitted at the head of the
coax then run back to a metal box close to the receivers
and are terminated on BNC sockets. Receivers are
connected via leads with BNC plugs on and for ease
of connection, the lugs are filed off either side
of the sockets (thanks for that tip - and the sockets,
to Andy Gardner).
After 17 years of DXing from
Waianakarua, the the luxury of directional Beverages
to negate interference from New Zealanders and Aussies
was suddenly not enough. I was getting to the stage
were I needed another edge and had played around
with an R-L-C phasing unit as made popular by USA
DXer Mark Connelly. I was finding some succes with
the unit though finding reports from overseas DXers
about the merits of the MFJ Enterprises units had
me wondering how effective they might be. Invercargill
DXer Steven Greenyer was very pleased with the results
of his MFJ-1025 phaser (MFJ-1025 review) and I expressed
interest in one myself. Thanks to Steven and fellow
DXer Arthur Williams, I was able to pick one up
from a ham operator's deceased estate (MFJ-1026
review). Suddenly the phaser opened up new opportunities
not only by being able to phase out interfering
New Zealand stations but also by being able to combine
two Beverages and getting a signal gain! Now there
is a Superphaser, heralded even more highly than
the MFJ so I'm sure I haven't come to the end of
the add-ons yet!
The "Volunteers"

Mark Nicholls, Harry Weatherley
and yours truly... |
And I've had the company of many
DXers over the years. Mark Nicholls has been a regular,
as has Bryan Clark and Harry Weatherley who has
made the journey several times from Australia. Others
to spend a night or two at the dials include Andy
Gardner, Tony Magon, Chris Martin (also from Oz)
and Steven Greenyer. Many others have dropped in
for an evening and several local DXers can be found
escaping their local QRM, the most regular are Basil
Jamieson, Peter Grenfell and Ray Davey.
DX Summary
MW: There are two paths open
to Europe. Around the solar minima long-path Europeans
make the journey around sunset which often coincides
with sunrise in Europe thus giving a true Greyline
enhancement. Europeans are on 9kHz spacing just
as we are, and there are not very many clear channels
in NZ now. 1107, 1323 & 1485 are the best chances
yet when the long-pathers are really strong, like
in 1996, they will be easily heard over NZ stations.
The locals are also not very strong at this time
of the day and Australian stations don't fade in
for another couple of hours. The other path is the
opposite with sunrise here and sunset in Europe
though it's very rare to hear Europeans via this
path nowadays as they need to be able to climb over
strong New Zealanders and Australians.
SW: Europeans are very well heard
here with many sub-50 watt European pirates making
the trip.
MW: Without a doubt, Africans
are the hardest to hear. The propagation paths are
very similar to Europeans only the signals pass
much closer to the Poles and suffer heavily from
any auroral activity, especially from anywhere South
of the Sahara.
SW:Things are different, reception
best in our mornings with some excellent tropical-band
openings around our sunrise and early evening Western
Africans heard most the year round, with a short
trans-polar opening into Southern Africa possible
mid-Winter from 0430-0530z (4:30 - 5:30p.m.). I've
thought that the latter is a possible MW propagation
path but so far, nothing has materialized.
Middle East:
MW: Only one propagation path
here... around our sunrise though they can be heard
at lower levels around an hour prior. Saudi Arabia
1440 used to be an early-bird though 2 New Zealanders
on 1440 now make that less likely. A combination
of the Equinox and solar minima has resulted in
signals from Jordan, Yemen, Syria & Saudi Arabia
flattening NZers at times.
SW: The Middle Eastern stations
romp in here, best on the higher frequencies mid-afternoon
and lower freqs through early and mid-morning.
MW: One propagation path but
a long one. Asians first fade in around 3 -4 hours
after local sunset depending on the time of year
and will be present right through to our sunrise.
SW: Our proximity to Asia means
reception is possible for 24 hours a day... a similar
reception pattern to the Middle East.
MW: Strangely enough, South Pacific
stations don't feature strongly down here. May have
something to do with where their hops bounce but
it isn't often we get good, steady strong signals
from our Pacific neighbours. There are some good
early morning openings around 2-3 hours before sunrise
for northern Pacific stations like Guam and Hawaii
but it's very seldom that we ever hear South Pacific
stations outside of our evenings.
SW: A little like MW in that
Kiribati, when active, should romp in here even
if it is 500 watts though it took me quite a number
of years to hear it. Unfortunately there are fewer
and fewer Pacific SW stations on air now.
Alaska & Hawaii:
MW: Two good times to hear these
are mid-evening and mid-morning. The latter coinciding
with their sunrise, arounnd 2 - 5 a.m. and after
all 10kHz channels have been vacated by daylight
fade-outs of Canadian & US stations.
SW: Both KWHR and KNLS are very
strong here though the latter can be subject to
ionospheric fade-outs.
USA & Canada:
MW: On MW, we're very lucky to
be not only geographically situated in a good spot
for reception especially from the Americas, but
also from a timing point of view. A typical days
DX is to arrive a couple of hours before local sunset
and, depending on the season either target North
Americans in the Summer, South Americans in the
Winter or both around the equinoxes. We get steady
reception of American signals until their local
sunrise. And that's it for them until the next day
as there is no other propagation path. I've been
fortunate enough to hear 43 US States and would
dearly love to hear them all ...
SW: Good from around 2000z (8a.m.)
right through the evening till mid-night. Plenty
of US pirates have made it over the years...
MW: We get prolonged periods
when Mexicans totally dominate the dials during
our evenings... 1kW Mexicanos can clean out usually-dominant
50kW US stations with regularity. A lot of NZ DXers
consider them pests however I enjoy their various
musical styles and QSLing as many different States
as possible is a target of mine.
SW: R Educacion is a potent signal
here though aside from XERMX, XEOY and the rare
appearance of R Huaycocotla, there isn't a lot of
Central Americans:
MW: I'm not sure what it is about
Central Americans... they've never been that good!
Ever now and then a window will open for a short
length of time. Really strange as Mexicans are usual
fare! I've heard every Central American country
but nothing into double-digits for some obscure
reason. They're best around sunset here and their
sunrise too though the odd mid-evening window is
just as likely to pop up.
SW: Whilst MW Central Americans
are relatively poor, their SW counterparts aren't.
Traditionally good signals are heard.
MW: Why is it I wonder that Central
Americans are so poor and Caribbeans are so good?
Best reception times are around our sunset and their
sunrise with few heard between. Some nights the
Caribbeans are very dominant and I wonder if water
take-off is the reason? Cubans aren't as good as
they used to be... I remember when you could hear
la Voz de Cuba on nearly every channel from 550
to 700kHz...
SW: Though there aren't many
Caribbeans on SW these days, they have also been
a regular force and no trouble to hear. Listening
to R Grenada relaying test cricket on the 19 mb
around 2100 (9a.m.) back in the late 70's was a
real treat.
South America:
MW: Of all the geographical categories,
Waianakarua delivers South Americans best of all...
and if you stood at the West end of the Latin Beverages
and looked directly down the wire, you'd wonder
how on Earth could they get past those hills and
cliffs to the East! I've heard 100 Colombians, 50
Peruvians, 40 Venezuelans and 30 Chileans though
only half a dozen Ecuadorians and two Bolivians.
Argentines, Brazilians, Uruguayans and Paraguayans
are the real treats and I've heard plenty of them
too! Guyana is the only South American country I
haven't heard. In mid-Winter, the Latins can be
heard from around 0300z (3p.m.) up till the last
Peruvian fades out around 1100z (11 p.m.).
SW: Very similar
reception patterns to MW except that in mid-Winter,
signals from Brazil can be heard on the 60 m.b.
5 hours before sunset! Even though Brazil is the
eastern-most country, for some reason their signals
are very powerful here, 31 and 25 metre-banders
can be heard from 2000z (8a.m.) past 1100z (11p.m.).
DX Highlights
Over the years, Waianakarua has
provided some outstanding MW DX... chronicled by
highlights of the years as follows:
R Paradise, St Kitts 825; YVWP
R Apolo 1320 1kW; RFO Cayenne 1070; HCRO3 Ondas
Orenses, Machala 915 1kW; VOA Antigua 1580; TGK
R Cultural 1240; HJKX R Mundial 1370 1kW; OBX4J
Estacion X 985 5kW;
WIBW Topeka KS 580; HJPX R Olimpica
1480 1kW; HJTY Ondas del Carare 1410 1kW; OBX4D
R Reloj 1520 1kW; FRO Martinique 1310; 4VEF Cap
Haitien 840; 4VGA R Metropole 1280; 4VRS R Soleil
1170; WIOD Miami 610; WOW Omaha 590; OAX1C R Delcar
1520 1kW; HCCS5 R Calidad 1445 5kW; KTXZ West Lake
Hills TX 1560 2.5kW; Caribbean Beacon, Anguilla
690; WXVI Montgomery AL 1600 1kW; KOLT Scottsbluff
NE 1320 1kW; KSJB Jamestown ND 600; CBJ Chicoutimi
PQ 1580; KDKA Pittsburgh 1020; WOKB Winter Garden
FL 1600
LRA R Nacional 870; KUAM Agana
612; RRI Surabaya 855; RRI Jember 963; LRA23 R Nacional
910; WIXO Mobile AL 1360; CBC Bridgetown, Barbados
900; WKJB Mayaguez PR 710; R Belize 834; JBC James
Hill, Jamaica 790; HRKN La Voz de Olancho 705; HTC555
R 19 de Julio 555; KNOM Nome AK 780; KCJJ 1560 1kW;
WSUN St Petersburg 620; CBK Watrous SK 540; R Trinidad
610; WPTF Raleigh NC 680; HOL80 R Nacional 840;
V of Barbados 790; HRXX R Rumbos 1304 1kW; KYAK
Anchorage AK 650; KFQD Anchorage AK 750; KICY Nome
AK 850; KGTL Homer AK 620; WSIX Nashville TN 980;
DW Cyclops 1566; R Moscow, Vinnitsa
1548; WDR Langenburg 1593; Yemen 1188; HIAQ R Amanecer
1571; CW1 R Colonia 550; CX16 R Carve 850; LR6 R
Mitre 790; LU2 R Bahia Blanca 840; LRA16 R Nacional,
La Quiaca 580; ZYK278 R Gaucha 600; LR1 R El Mundo
1070; ZYK522 R Record 1000; LR3 R Belgrano 950,
LRA7 R Nacional, Cordoba 750, LU14 R Provincias
830; LU20 R Chubut 580; LW1 R Universidad 580 (three
Argies on 580kHz!), WKJB R Reloj PR 580; CJBC Toronto
ON 860; WABC New York 770; LR9 R America 1190; LV16
R Rio Cuatro 1010; SBC Sarnen, Switzerland 1566;
WREC Memphis TN 600; Dominica 595; R St Vincent
705; KHAR Anchorage 590; HCMB2 Voz Porteña
1425 0.5kW; TGMU Union R 1302; OAX1N R Ideal 1410
1kW; HCBO5 R Espectaculo 905 1kW; HOL--- R Nacional,
Bocas del Toro 1015; KSON San diego CA 1240 0.489kW;
TWR Monte Carlo 1467; R Luxembourg 1440 (long-path);
CBR Calbary AB 1010; WTIX New Orleans 690; CBW Winnipeg
MT 990; WGTR Fort Myers FL 1440 1kW;
KGGF Coffeyville KS 690; CX20
R Monte Carlo 930; WJR Detroit MI 760; R Rani, Surinam
914; Caribbean R Lighthouse, Antigua 1165; JBC Old
Harbour 850; KBYR Anchorage 700; KIAK Fairbanks
970; ZYK694 R Globo 1100; LS10 R del Plata 1030;
LS6 R Buenos Aires 1350; LU14 R Provincias 880;
HOU84 R Belen 1175; KFAR Fairbanks AK 660, KCSY
Soldotna AK 1140; LR2 R Argentina 1110; KDLG Dillingham
AK 670; ZDK Antigua 1100; YSS R Nacional 655; R
Belize 830; CFGM Richmond Hills ON 1320; CBA Moncton
NB 1070; HOL82 R Nacional 1080; ZGBC Dominica 1060;
Emis Villa Verde, Macau 735; R Caribbean, St Lucia
840; RAI R Uno 1575; HOH4 Ciruito RPC 580 &
610; KIYU Galena AK 910; KRSA St Petersburg 580;
TGRH R Horizontes 1480 1kW; TGKL
R Emperador 910; CKRM Regina SK 1320; ZYJ458 R Globo
1220; LRI209 R Mar del Plata 670; LRA27 R Nacional,
Catmarca 730; LS4 R Continental 590; RFO St Pierre
et Miquelon 1375; KPEN Homer AK 620; ZYK205 R Farroupilha
680; ZYJ455 R Tupi 1280; JBC Kingston 560; ZYI420
R Vila Real, Cuiaba 590 5kW; LV1 R Colon 560; LU16
Emis Atlantico 1120; CX8 R Sarandi 690; CX30 La
Radio 1130; CX4 R Rural 610; LS1 R Municipal 710;
LRA24 R Nacional, Rio Grande 640; LRA21 R Nacional,
Santiago del Estero 1130; TDF Lille 1377; SWF Rheinsender
1017; DDR Burg 1575; ABBS St Johns, Antigua 620;
LRA15 R Nacional, San Miguel de Tucuman 1190; LRA2
R Nacional, Viedma 1150 1kW; LRA4 R Nacional, Salta
690; LRA6 R Nacional, Mendoza 960; LV9 R Salta 1160;
Bulgaria 1161; Romania 153 & 855; TDF Rennes
711; CX28 R Imparcial 1090; ZYJ459 R Mundial 860;
ZP36 R Ypoa 996; TDF Allouis 162; ZYJ453 R Jornal
940; CA156 R Parinacota 1564 0.5kW; CJCL Toronto
ON 1430; EFJ15 Barcelona 1107; RNE Murcia 855; TDF
Strasbourg 1161; RCE Valencia 1314; Lao National
R 580; WAVG Loiuseville KY 970;
XEBCO Colima 1210; WSMB New Orleans
1350; KLBS Los Baños 1330 ).5kW; WSZA Yap
WDAF Kansas City, MO 610; WXOK
Baton Rouge 1460 1kW; WRXB St Petersburg FL 1590;
WMBM Miami Beach FL 1490 1kW; CHLO Toronto ON 1570;
CJOY Guelph ON 1460; WBRD Palmetto FL 1420 1kW;
WDAE Tampa FL; WQIK Jacksonville FL 1320; WMT Cedar
Rapids IA 600;
KWES Colorado Sprongs, CO 1460
0.5kW; KKOA Kearney NE 1460 0.5kW; KAMA El Paso
750 1kW; WYFX Boynton Beach FL 1040 1kW; OAX4K R
Imperial 1444 2kW; V6AK Chuuk 1593; WNWZ Germantown
TN 1430 2.5kW;
WQXR New York 1560; KATL Miles
City MT 770 1kW; KSPE Santa Barbara CA 1490 1kW;
KLOG Kelso WA 1490 1kW; OBX3D R Ancash 1516 3kW;
OBX5D R Andahuaylas 1060; TILXX R Columbia 1160
WRXJ Jacksonville FL 930; WFLA
Tampa FL 970; XEAR La Mexicana, Tampico 660 0.5kW;
CC145 R Libertad 1450; ZGBC Dominica 740; R Caraibes
Int, St Lucia 1090; CB93 R Nuevo Mundo 930; LS3
R Splendid 990; CB127 R Festival 1270; CJVR Melfort
SK 1420; WKXY Sarasota FL 930; WERC Birmingham AL
HCJB1 La Vozde los Andes 690;
CP1 R Nacional, La Paz 1390; R Muz, Ukraine 1431;
R Thailand, Ranong 1593; R Ulan Bator 164; WAGL
Lancaster SC 1560;
Vatican R 1611; JOXR Okinawa
783; Asgabat 1125; VOA Belkize 1530 & 1580;
ZJB Montserrat 885; Caribbean Christian R, Turks
& Caicos 1020; Jordan 1494; Turkey 1062; 4VRL
R Liberte 1360; KXO El Centro 1230; R St Lucia 660;
JBC Port Maria 750; SER R Linares 1602; RNE5 Teruel
1107; WTOP Washignton DC 1500; KIRL St Charles LA
1460 0.5kW; CJME Regina SK 1300; KLTC Dickinson
ND 1460
WAOZ Cincinnatti OH 1360; CC68
R Nueva Ines de Suarez 860; RNE Arganda 1359; KUSA1600
Las Vegas 1660; AIR Nagpur 1566; JOAR Nagoya 1053;
HJZE R Estrella 1510 1kW; WFFG Marathon Key FL 1300;
XEACC La Voz del Puerto 870 1kW; SER Alcoy 1485
WJDM Elizabeth NJ 1660; WANM
Tallahassee FL 1070; WAMR Venice FL 1320; WTMY Sarasota
FL 1280 0.5kW; V of Nevis 895; ZP1 R Nacional 920;
LV3 R Cordoba 700; V of Russia, Wachenbrunn 1323;
WWFE Miami FL 670; Deutschlandfunk, Heusweiler 1422;
TDF Limoges 792; R Eviva, Beromunster 1566; SER
Santander 1485; DW Mt Angel 702; NOZEMA Flevoland
747; SER Sevilla 792; R Euzkadi, Vitoria 963; WRNE
Gulf Breeze FL 980; RNE San Sebastian 774; RDP Terceira,
Azores 693; XEPC Zacatecas 890 1kW;
KSIX Corpus Christi 1230; R Baku,
Azerbaijan 1296; V of Russia, Moldova 1467; WQA767
Dallas-Fortworth 1640 & 1680 0.06kW; RTVA Ouargla,
Algiers 198; ZYJ754 R Guaruja 1420; ZYK537 R Capital
1040; LT3 R Cerealista 680; Yemen 760; WGN Chicago
Il 720; Vietnam 783; CBM Montreal PQ 940; Al-Kharanah,
Jordan 207;
WPHG Atmore AL 1620; R Esmeralda,
Buenos Aires 1620; LS11 R Provincias 1270; R Vision
Cristiana, Turks & Caicos 530; R 12-70 Aruba
1270 1.5kW; 4VSJ R Antilles 1240; WMDM Lexington
Park, MD 1690; WJNZ Ada MI 1680;
WTDY Madison WI 1670; WHKT Portsmouth
VA 1650; LRI200 R Puerto Deseado, 740 1kW; CX24
R Nuevo Tiempo 1010; WQSN Kalamazoo WI 1660; WRNC
Warner-Robins GA 1670; LRL202 R Diez 710; WKSH Sussex
WI 1640; WMIB Marco Is FL 1660; ZP14 R Nanduti 1020;
CB157 R Famila 1570; WTTM Princeton NJ 1680;
LT9 R Brigadier Lopez 1150; CX32
Radiomundo 1170; LS5 R Rivadavia 630; R Tropical,
Buenos Aires 1620; ZYJ453 Sistema LBV 940; R Buen
Aire, Buenos Aires 1630;
WLEO Ponce, Puerto Rico 1490;
WGIT Canovanas, Puerto Rico 1660