Jongensgat6 DXpedition
September 15-18,
by John Plimmer
This was quite a different
DXpedition. A couple of us Cape DXers were supposed
to go to Seefontein on the Western Atlantic Ocean
coast where we had booked for the equinox. But a
bare few days before departure the owner phoned
to say that the usually dry saltpan at Seefontein
had flooded and was now inaccessible, even to my
DX pal Vince Stevens' 4x4 Landy. So that was out,
but I was quite determined I wanted to get away
for a good radio session so thoughts of Jongensgat
on the Indian Ocean East coast came to my mind.
This was a problem though,
as in the last year I have become a semi-invalid
in my 70th year and can no longer cart heavy radio
equipment up the high dune from the Jongensgat parking
area to the cottage. But fortunately a friend, Willie,
had already volunteered to come with us and heave
all the heavy gear up the dune, as he was a very
keen fisherman and Jongensgat is a fisherman's paradise.
And so it was arranged at very short notice the
day before our departure. Willie came over and talked
about the trip and the question of which radio to
bring along was discussed. Of course I would like
to take my giant Cyclops II (the Icom IC-7700) along,
but packed in a suitcase it weighs a backbreaking
35kgs/80lbs!!! Willie, who is immensely strong went
and picked it up and said "no problem",
so along it came.

Willie humping the heavy
gear up and down the steep dune |
Monday morning 8.30 a.m.
Willie arrived and did the loading of the heavy
gear for us and at nine Dawn drove us down in the
heavily packed Toyota Avanza. It normally takes
all the gear for just the two of us with the loading
area enlarged by folding away the passenger seats,
but with Willie coming there was much less cargo
space, but with a squeeze we managed it. At Stilbaai,
the town about five kilometers away from Jongensgat,
we shopped at the local supermarket for food and
booze and got to the cottage early and had to wait
for the keys. Willie took all the heavy gear up
the dune including the immensely heavy radio and
didn't even break a sweat, Dawn did less well and
was well and truly fagged after bringing some of
the light stuff up the steep dune.
After a bite of lunch and a beer it was time to
instruct Willie on the intricacies of the stringing
out and laying down of the 350 meters/1200 ft of
beverage antenna wire. He set off up the hill in
the thick brush thinking this was the easiest part,
but arrived back considerably later complaining
like hell that I had given him three kilometers
of wire and not 350 meters!!! It is indeed heavy
going laying out beverages in such hilly and hostile
conditions. However later results showed he had
done a marvellous job.

Dawn with her jigsaw puzzle |
Monday evening 15th September
At 4.00 p.m. all was ready and I fired up and tried
the 14meg ham bands and the WWV/WWW stations - 10
megs looked good, so I listened to the hams awhile
whilst waiting for sundown and the MW to come through,
which it did at 5.48 with the appearance of 1359
kHz WYFR Fanglio Taiwan. Official sunset was at
1625z/6.25 local so I was waiting with foetid breath
for some rare Australians and some Japanese and
Philippinos to come in. As the evening progressed,
it became evident that this was to be the worst
evening session ever at Jongensgat as nothing of
any great interest appeared, and the West Coast
Aussies that usually boom in well before sunset
were absent - very disappointing! All that could
be salvaged was some more of the very high powered
Taiwanese stations, some Africans and the Indian
Ocean Island stations, so I went and dossed down
Tuesday morning 16th September
Fired up again at 2.00 a.m. with a big mug of strong
hot tea and a NDB beacon that my European pals yearn
to catch was coming in nicely - "CRJ"
Carajas Brazil. Up the band and WWRU Jersey City
was logged, bringing hope of more U.S. stations.
Alas, no more came through, just lots of Brazilians
which I am not much interested in. To assuage my
disappointment at least 1610 the Caribbean Beacon
could be logged spewing out hot gospel. So in desperation
I left the MW band and went and chased the NDB beacons
on LF and soon had a clutch of good catches from
Brazil over 4000 miles/6500 kms away plus Ascension
Island, which I would dearly love to log on MW,
but haven't.

John with his giant Cyclops II and the lovely
view of the Indian Ocean with the Kiwa MW Loop
mounted above |
After first light one usually
expects a bonanza of rare U.S. stations but nothing
came in at first light and sunrise this disappointing
morning. So instead I went to the SW band and sussed
out as many AFN stations as I could, and got Pearl
Harbour, Diego Garcia and Key West FL (plus Guam
later in the evening).
The day turned out quite miserable with a late Antarctic
cold front sweeping past with rain and a howling
freezing gale with huge sea swells crashing on the
rocks below us. Our poor fisherman Willie said fishing
in such huge swells was a no no, so Dawn brought
out a jigsaw puzzle and they got busy on that to
idle the time away. About 9.00 a.m. a whale swum
lazily by not far from the rocks - it was quite
the largest whale we had ever seen and we stared
amazed and fascinated through the binoculars at
Lunchtime we went to Stilbaai, the small town five
km away and bought fresh fish (hake) and chips (French
fries) and enjoyed that washed down with a nice
Cape Sauvignon Blanc. Dawn bought some pre-prepared
food for dinner later. At two p.m. the power went
off which was a bit worrying. I decided to do nothing
and wait a bit to see if it would come on again.
As there are no phones or cellphone reception at
the cottage, I could not make enquiries. By 3.30
I was getting in a bit of a sweat and about to drive
up to the main road to acquire cell phone reception,
when hallelujah! the power came on and stayed on.
What a relief! as the thought of a powerless night
was too devastating to contemplate.

John, wife Dawn and Willie
the strong fisherman on the deck |
Tuesday evening 16th
After listening to the hams a bit, I tried the aero
utility bands and at 1522z got a superb catch: 5643USB
San Francisco ATC working Quantas 25 near Honolulu
on the Honolulu relay TX - that's our antipodes
and one hellava long way away, and I haven't heard
that station for years = very pleased. At 1600z
1170 VOA relay from Luzon came through, the 800
Kw TX from the Philippines. It's going to be a promising
evening I thought. Soon the West coast Australians
were pouring in, and Perth on 720 so strong I could
actually hear it on the portable with just the ferrite
internal rod. Sadly none of the East coast Aussies
though, so the evening session ended with just a
few Europeans and the usual African's and Indian
ocean catches.
Due to nearby development Jongensgat is no longer
so electrically RFI quiet as it used to be, and
as a result of government policy all the quiet incandescent
lights have been replaced by very noisy fluorescent
energy saving lamps. These lamps unfortunately kick
up a hellava din and quite spoiled my evening sessions
with noise. Fortunately most seem to get switched
off in the early morning so I had some quiet early
morning sessions.
For dinner Dawn had got a lovely succulent piece
of ham that she made a very tasty sauce for and
we washed that down with a nice cabernet sauvignon.
At 1921z on 684 I got Larry London presenting "VOA
music mix" but back home for the life of me
I can't figure out which station it was coming from.
So the evening ended less than spectacular with
no Japanese or weaker Philippino's and no Eastern

General view of the two Jongensgat cottages
I am not very well up on
the Philippine language, but heard what I thought
was one on 999, but like the fish that got away,
when I listened more carefully to the recording
next morning it was a low powered RAI Italian.
Wednesday morning 17th September
On rising at two a.m. I found the band full of Brazilians
and nothing else, so tuned down to find some more
NDB beacons on LF. This brought in a whole new batch
of far off Brazilian East coast beacons that I was
very happy to have. Back on the MW band 1540 Nassau
Bahamas was logged with the usual gospel then later
at first light WWWT Washington DC was heard. Just
as conditions were fading and the sun well up, the
big enchilada of the trip came in: WTDY Madison
Wisconsin on 1670. I was thrilled with that as it
is 8770 miles/14100 kms away from the DX site. Not
a bad session with a good solid new catch to be
satisfied with.
The day turned out much nicer with a cloudless sky
and light wind, but the heavy swells from the storm
were still disturbing Willie's fishing, so he contented
himself for searching the rocks for shell fish,
of which he later brought a big bagfull home. Dawn
and I went into the little town and while Dawn shopped
I had a session at the local internet cafe. We lazed
about in the afternoon soaking up the lovely weather
and the magnificent view along the coast from the
cottage deck.
Wednesday evening 17th September
This started off promisingly with Perth 720 booming
in well before sunset, but alas, apart from the
low power ABC Perth on 585 and 882 no other Aussies
came in that evening, nor Japan = disappointing,
as these stations are supposed to be the cream on
the top at Jongensgat.
We then broke for dinner and Willie and Dawn had
prepared a braai (barbecue) of boerewors (spicy
sausage) and lamb chops washed down with the usual
red wine, this one a very pleasant blend of cabernet/merlot/shiraz.
The rest of the evening brought in India, Hanoi,
Cyprus, Ethiopia, China, UK and Iran.
Thursday morning 18th September last session
This started off poorly with conditions fading at
four a.m. and totally dead by five. All I could
get was some Africans: Radio Free Africa from Mwanza
Tanzania and a good catch not heard before of 1152
R. Nacional from Mbanza Congo in Angola. I played
around with a few of the powerful Brazilians left
and then at sunrise at 0430z six thirty local time
1700 started coming in with ID's of WRJR. This mystified
me as the usual station here is KVNS Brownsville
TX. It was also playing "oldies" which
was not listed in WRTH, nor was WRJR on that frequency.
It was only when I got home that with the help of
some pals on the internet I as able to establish
that it was indeed KVNS as they had a syndication
running. Also pals with much better audio equipment
and ears than mine did dig out a KVNS ID off my
mp3 recording. It's a nice catch 8800m/14000 km
away, but it has been heard and QSL'd many times
by all of us. So that ended the session and the
DXpedition, not on a very high note, but some solid
catches were heard and that great one of Madison
WI, so I was quite happy that it had been worthwhile
coming as usual to this magic place.
I am not including a table of the logs here as they
are much the same as our previous DXpeditions here.
Then it was packup time and carting all the heavy
gear down to the car at the bottom of the dune some
distance away. After letting the sun dry out the
antenna wire, Willie went up the hill to roll in
the 350m of wire in from the thick brush. I instructed
him how to do this without fouling the wire and
warned him that reeling it in was harder than rolling
it out. And so it was, it took him about forty minutes
and he was quite put out and again insisted I had
given him three and a half kilometers of wire and
not 350m....!!! It's a hard job on a steep hill
with thick brush. Poor Dawn then had a bad drive
home as another storm front was approaching with
a gale force wind buffeting the little Toyota and
causing it to skitter all over the road.
The massive Icom IC-7700 performed flawlessly and
gave superb reception, although I was disappointed
that the NB noise blanker could not get rid of the
noise from the fluorescent energy saving lamps.
The 350m beverage did exactly what it was intended
to do, so Willie must have laid it out well according
to my instructions. As for the Kiwa MW Loop it has
been a dream piece of equipment over the 15 years
I have owned it, always coming up with the goodies
when you are in a tight spot. This time round it
was particularly good at digging out European stations
that the beverage could not get. Although it does
a good job nulling when you are looking for Europe,
it does not nulll out the Brazilians to enable you
to find the weaker North American stations. The
reason for this is that if you look at a great circle
map you will see that the North and South American
signals converge on a very similar path, thus if
you null one you null the other as well = pity!
Radio Icom IC-7700
Antenna's Kiwa MW loop and
350m BOG beverage pointed (overland) to U.S.A. and
over the shoulder (over the Indian Ocean) to Australia
For our various DXpeditions to Seefontein and Jongensgat
check this
page. Jongensgat is situated some three hours
drive away from Cape Town, Eastwards on the main
coastal road, near the little holiday town of Stilbaai
on the Indian Ocean.
(published on October
12, 2008)