DXpedition site
by Jerry Berg
The Chamberlain
site was discovered some years back by two members
of the Boston Area DXers who were searching
for possible shoreside listening sites. It is
a house in sparsely populated Chamberlain, Maine,
on the Pemaquid Peninsula, about three hours
north of Boston.
The owner of
the house rents a downstairs apartment to visitors
during the summer months. Since DXpeditions
are normally held during the winter, the apartment
is usually available. Maximum occupancy is four
DXers, with all the comforts of home--living
room, bedrooms, a full kitchen and bath. Of
course, in the early days the owner knew nothing
about DXing or DXers. Now, however, there are
usually several DX trips to the site by various
DXers each season, and so she has come to understand,
and even enjoy, the doings of these weird guys
who lay out long wires on the rocks and stay
up at all hours listening to the radio.

Arriving at DX central
For medium wave,
seaside listening is an entirely different experience
from inland listening. Even for shortwave, however,
the difference in reception is noticeable. Signals
are crisper and clearer, and afternoon openings
on the tropical bands--always valued on the
U.S. east coast for the potential for African
and Asian reception--are as much as two hours
earlier than at home. We are usually fairly
casual about shortwave antennas, normally laying
them along the 700 or so feet of easily accessible
rocks alongside the ocean. DXers run their individual
antennas--no splitters, etc.

Looking north from
DX central |
By Atkins /
Bryant / Hall-Patch / Nelson standards (Emerging
Techniques of High-Tech DXpeditioning),
our DXpeditions are low tech; no laptops, "DX
Radars" or hand-held PDAs--just receivers,
tape recorders, a few accessories, lots of wire,
plus printed materials, target lists and an
abundance of DX vittles. In the past, these
trips have been two day affairs, arriving around
noon on Friday and staying until the bands go
out on Sunday morning. However, this time we
went up a day earlier, giving us three full
days of DXing. This is better, as it gives time
to get acclamated, and to follow up on things
heard early in the trip.

Methodist Church of
New Harbor |
While hearing
new stations is always the prime goal of a DXpedition,
logging already-heard stations with unusually
good signal quality is almost as much fun. Perhaps
as important is just being able to spend "quality
time" at the dials without the usual distractions
of home. And in Chamberlain, even if reception
conditions are poor, the view is great.

A small lobster boat
in New Harbor, next to Chamberlain |
on January 8, 2003