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 kHz:  radio station, location:  recorded in:  submitted by:
740 Radio Causachun Coca, Lauka Ñ (MP3) 2008 Colombia Rafael Rodriguez
3310 Radio Mosoj Chaski, Cochabamba 2000 Canada Jean Burnell
4472 CP142 Radio Movima, Santa Ana de Yacuma (MP3) 1988 Bolivia Rogildo F. Aragão
4649 CP89 Radio Santa Ana, Santa Ana del Yacuma 2002 Argentina Nicolás Eramo
4719 CP136 Radio Abaroa, Riberalta 1986 Finland Mika Mäkeläinen
4732 Radio Universitaria, Cobija 2007 Argentina Nicolás Eramo
4762 Radio Guanay, Guanay 2002 Germany Michael Schnitzer
4763 Radio Chicha, Tocla (WMA) 2004 Argentina Arnaldo Slaen
4781 Radio Tacana, Tumupasa (MP3) 2003 Bolivia Rogildo F. Aragão
4796 CP73 Radio Nueva América, La Paz 1984 Canada Jean Burnell
4830 CP70 Radio Grigotá, Santa Cruz (MP3) 1986 Bolivia Rogildo F. Aragão
4845 Radio Municipal, Caranavi (MP3) 2004 Bolivia Rogildo F. Aragão
4855 CP66 Radio Centenario La Nueva, Santa Cruz 2002 Germany Aart Rouw
4876 CP75 Radio La Cruz del Sur, La Paz 2000 Germany Michael Schnitzer
4926 CP114 Radio San Miguel, Riberalta 1999 Germany Aart Rouw
4934.7 Radio Monteagudo, Monteagudo (MP3) 1986 Bolivia Rogildo F. Aragão
4935 Radio Cordech, Sucre 1988 Finland Mika Mäkeläinen
4939 CP110 Radio Norte, Montero 1997 Germany Michael Schnitzer
5005 CP265 Radio Libertad, La Paz 1991 Germany Michael Schnitzer
5030 CP178 Radio Cuarto Centenario, Tupiza 1986 Finland Mika Mäkeläinen
5500 Radio Virgen de Remedios, Tupiza (MP3) 2004 Bolivia Rogildo F. Aragão
5927 CP213 Radio Minería, Oruro 2002 Germany Michael Schnitzer
5952 CP60 Radio Pio XII, Siglo Veinte 2002 Bolivia station via Henrik Klemetz
5952 CP60 Radio Pio XII, Siglo Veinte (sign-off) 2003 Argentina Nicolás Eramo
6105 CP92 Radio Panamericana, La Paz 2000 Germany Michael Schnitzer
6135 CP32 Radio Santa Cruz, Santa Cruz 1988 Canada Jean Burnell
6155 CP12 Radio Fides, La Paz 2001 Germany Aart Rouw
6195 CP242 Radio Metropolitana, La Paz 1993 Germany Michael Schnitzer
6586 Radio Nueva Esperanza, El Alto (MP3) 2003 Bolivia Rogildo F. Aragão
6883 Radio Bartolina Sisa, La Paz (MP3) 2002 Brazil Samuel Cássio

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