DXpedition 2005 at "Noise Zero's" Inn
Ilha Comprida - SP - Brasil
Location 24º 58'S and 47º 49'W - GG65ca
November 11-14, 2005

From left to right in the back row (Da esquerda
para a direita em pé):
a.. Luiz Souto - Cerquilho SP
b.. Julio Cesar Baldim - Salto SP
c.. Marcelo Bedene - Curitiba PR
d.. Sérgio Partamian - Capital SP
e.. Samuel Cássio Martins - São Carlos
f.. Huelbe Garcia - Porto Alegre RS
g.. Flávio Archangelo - Jundiaí SP
h.. Marcos Feitosa - Votorantim SP
i.. Adiel Nunes - São Caetano do Sul SP
From left to right in the front row (Da esquerda
para a direita agachados):
a.. Milton Raimundo - Curitiba PR
b.. Renato Uliana - Guarulhos SP
c.. Ivan Dias - Sorocaba SP
d.. William Bedene - Curitiba SP
Report by Renato Uliana
Ilha Comprida, São Paulo State south coast.
Located at the south coast of São Paulo
State, Brasil, between the following cities: Iguape
(Boqueirão Norte) and Cananéia (Boqueirão
The island has more or less 70 Kms length and that's
why is known as Ilha Comprida (Long Island). Its
north region is well developed and the south has
just small fisheries villages and riverine. We stayed
at the "Noise Zero's Inn" (Pousada "Ruído
Zero" in Portuguese). This place has this name
because it is located at 12Kms from the south region
in an uninhabited region far from electricity sources
more than 8kms and it is in front of Atlantic Ocean.
It makes this place a real "DXing paradise".
The DXers arrived almost together during the afternoon
on Friday/11, and we did not lost time! Then, we
reserved our tables, started to set up our listening
posts and extended a lot of wires outside towards
several directions, and some wires were until 200
meter long. When the Gray Line came, we perceived
that the propagation and our strategic position
would bring us a good night with interesting catches,
mainly in Medium Wave band.
The big restaurant of the "Noise Zero's"
Inn was used as our listening post.
Our electricity source were batteries like AA cells
and car batteries. We took a small electricity generator
fed by gasoline that during the day was turned on
to charge the bigger batteries and our laptops batteries
To freeze the soda and beers, we used two icebox
that during the morning were restocked with ice
that was bought in a small village at more or less
8Km from us known as "Pedrinhas".
On 11 and 12 (during the night) we received a lot
of interesting Medium Wave stations from Africa
and Middle East, making our Dxpedition a really
successful initiative. We listened a lot of FM stations
from Caribbean region too! Imagine how good could
be listen to distant FM stations, far from us more
than 5.000Kms and you will understand. Were listened
shortwave, brodcasting, utility stations and NDBs
Just the dinner was good enough to make the us leave
temporarily our receivers, but they were wonderful
moments that we shared our experiences, opinions
and to know better our friends. A wonderful moment
to have fun!
In our Dxpedition we had a lot of different receivers
and peripheral equipments:
Receivers: Kenwood R-2000, SONY ICF-SW6800, Kenwood
R-5000, Icom IC-R75, SANGEAN ATS-803A, Sony ICF-SW2010,
Sony ICF-SW55, Degen DE1103, Grundig YB400, Sony
ICF-SW7600GR, Sony ICF-SW7600G, Philco Transglobe
B481-3 and Sony ICF-SW35.
Antennas: Loop 60cm, Ferrite loop RGP3, Loop "DEMA",
Induction Coupler, Sony Active Antenna AN-LP1, DEGEN
Active Antenna DE31, Loop "T51", FM Directional,
DEGEN DE31 with support, Loop 45cm, a lot of LongWires
(wires AWG 18, 22 and cables) with 100 and 200m
towards several directions and a 40m long dipole.
The FM stations were listened with the receivers
telescopic antennas and with a directional antenna
with 5 elements.
More pictures of the DXers during the DXpedition
2005 can be found on the Amantesdoradio
Now we are sure without any kind of doubts that
Ilha Comprida, and specially the "Noise Zero's
Inn" is one of the best places for DXing in
Brasil. Besides the beautiful landscape in front
of the sea, we stayed in a place with all necessary
structure for this kind of event and to the other
events that will be true in a near future.
Medium waves loggings :
153 12/11 0423 ALG Alger Chaine 1, Bechar, mx w/
típico instrumento de corda 35343
162 12/11 0419 F R. França I., Allouis, talks
em frances, 25322
171 12/11 2155 MRC R. Medi 1, Nador, mx pop //9575
198 13/11 2353 ALG Alger Chaine, Ouargla, arabe,
sinal fraco, muita QRM de NDB
207 13/11 0102 TENT Marrocos, Azibal ??
252 13/11 0005 TENT ALG Alger Chaine, Tipaza, muito
fraco, QRM de NDB
530 12/11 0356 TCO Visión Cristiana, SS px
religioso estudo biblico 44444
530 13/11 0608 TCO R.Vision Cristiana Internacional,
religioso em espanhol 33322
531 12/11 2146 ALG Algier Chaine 1 (tent), mx seguido
por tlk em AA 33433
555 12/11 0437 SCN ZIZ, Basseterre, ingles, talks,
600 13/11 0500 CUB R. Rebelde, Cuba, SS cm mx //
5025 33343
600 13/11 0516 DOM UNID , SS cm " Rep. Dominicana"
600 13/11 0525 ARG R. LU5, AM600, Neuquen, SS Cm
684 14/11 0212 E RNE (tent), Sevilha, mx, 32333
774 12/11 0156 EGY R Middle East Radio, Abis mx
AA 22432
864 12/11 0354 EGY Holy Koran, corão , muita
954 12/11 0157 QAT QBS, Al Arish, OM em árabe,
1044 12/11 0346 UNID musical ( Greece ?) , 23422
1098 12/11 0225 AFS Ikwekwesi FM , Ga-Rankuwa, bonita
música local, YL, 33443
1296 12/11 0252 SDN R. SNB , Reiba, musica arabe
cm 23432
1314 12/11 0415 NOR NRK, Kivtsoy, bem baixo
1314 13/11 2130 NOR NRK, OM talk, 22222
1377 12/11 0305 TZA Radio Free Africa, Mwanza, música
local, ID em meio à mx, 34333
1386 12/11 0214 KEN KBC, Maralal, mx pop, ID KBC,
YL em EE, 33322
1386 12/11 0312 KEN KBC, Maralal, om w/id,mx 3
1404 12/11 0145 IRN , IRIB, mx regionais 33443
1431 12/11 0245 DJI Radio Sawa, Arta, mx pop ocidental,
ID por YL "Radio Sawa", OM em árabe,
1431 12/11 0258 DJI Radio Sawa, Arta, cover de mx
da Madonna 44444
1485 12/11 0405 ASC BBC YL, journal style, 33233
1485 13/11 2148 ASC BBC, ingles, fraco
1512 12/11 0152 ARS Jeddah, Arabia Saudita, mv talks
e orações 33433
1512 13/11 2145 ARS Jeddah, arabe, 23422
1557 12/11 0138 UAE Radio Asia, Ras Al Kaimah, mx
indiana, 33433
1575 12/11 0108 UAE R Farda, Al Dhabiya, Persa mx
pop Shakira 44333
1575 14/11 0215 UAE R. Farda, mx pop, 35333
1593 12/11 0124 KUW (tent) Radio Free Iraq, Kwait,
corão , 22422
1610 13/11 0139 AIA R Caribbean Beacon, The Valley
Anguilla, EE px religioso 34333
1620 14/11 0600 VIR WDHP Christiansted EE MX jazz,
advs 43333 HAG
1640 13/11 0615 USA WTNI, Biloxi Mississippi EE
nx talks ID as 0630 22322
1700 13/11 0643 USA UNID,EE, talks 22322
1710 13/11 0210 ARG R. 1710AM, Buenos Aires, SS
cm mx 33443
The complete list available at Amantes
do Radio website.
Published on November
27, 2005